Having You

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I could smell coffee something I needed, I opened my eyes and stretched my body. My body felt tender and stiff, I smiled to myself remembering how I was woken up a couple of times in the early hours by a very horny David. I turned on my side to get closer to him but the bedside was empty. I sat up and looked around the room, his shirt was hanging neatly on the arm chair opposite the bed and his sneakers were placed underneath the chair. I got of the bed and put on my gown and went in to the bathroom to freshen up. When I returned to the bathroom the curtain's were drawn back and the sun was shining inside, David was standing by the balcony shirtless, drinking coffee. If this is how my mornings were going to be everyday then I wanted him forever, he sensed my presence and turned around. 

"Morning sleepy head. I brought you breakfast and some orange juice, the way you like it." He spoke softly,  his eyes were soft and a small smile was playing around his lips. 

"You going to stand there and talk to me without coming to kiss me Mr Sartor?" I asked trying to convey as much seriousness in to my voice as possible.

 "You know I hate when you call me by surname unless I am fucking you senseless." He spoke while smiling and came towards me. He leaned forward, he kissed my forehead, cheeks neck then finally a soft tender kiss landed on my lips.

 "Lord knows how I have missed you." He spoke with a faraway look in his eyes and brushing his thumb against my cheek. I leaned in into his inviting body and kissed his tattooed chest. 

"Hey, enough about that. All that matters is that you are now here. I know we have a lot to talk about especially the way I left but first have breakfast with me and join me in the shower." I said pulling away from him and walking towards the small table with a tray full of food.

We had enjoyed our breakfast in silence and showered together indulging in each other. He had turned me around and slammed hard inside my vagina. He made love to me fast and hard against the cool wall of the shower. after we both came, he washed me and himself, kissing me lightly on my body. When we left the shower he had dried us both, his caring mood was something I was not used to. Something had changed when I left him, he silently watched me move around the room getting dressed. 

"You know I hate when you are completely silent with me. What you thinking about?" I said going through my clothes. There was a minute of silent before he spoke. 

"Nothing really, I just enjoy watching you. When did you get your hair cut?" I turned around and walked towards the bed with some clothing in my arms. 

"A couple of months ago." I touched my hair and looked at him. 

"Do you like it?" I asked him shyly deciding to look away from the intensity in the blue depths. He cleared his throat and spoke.

 "What time do you start work?" I checked the clock on my wall and looked through the clothes I had chosen. 

"I start at twelve. I need to know what your sister has in mind for her birthday, I never really got to know her when I was in Russia she was always so well reserved." He got up and walked behind me, tracing the art work of the tattoo I recently got. 

"Well everyone was being rather reserved and I had no time with you most of the time." He sighed heavily and plunged himself on the bed.

 "She isn't really that reserved, once she opens up, the devil shows herself." He smiled sexily. I dressed and went through my shoes and my accessories while listening to him talk. 

"Why can't you skip work today and spend the day with me?" He asked again for the tenth time. I guessed he was not liking the fact that I was working and he had time on his hands. I glanced at him through the full length mirror and saw the frustrated look on his face. 

"You taking me to work, you meeting me for lunch and we having dinner together.  You are technically seeing me today the entire day plus if I don't get away from you, I will end up having to go to hospital from too much love making with you." I smiled at the last bit. He was scratching his beard when he raised a perfect shaped eyebrow.

 "Are you complaining? I can give you something to complain about you know." He smirked at me looking at me from head to toe. 

"Come on let's go before I am late for work." I picked my laptop and cellphone from the small coffee table and left the room. He opened the door for me and we walked out together in to the lobby, he pressed the parking area floor and we waited for the elevator. 

"Am I meeting your colleagues today?" He asked while looking at his phone. 

"Yeah sure. Antonio would be happy to meet you." I said searching for my now ringing cellphone in my handbag. I finally got a hold of it and checked the caller ID. The number was not familiar but it was a South African number. I answered 

"Kate speaking." no one responded, the line was dead. I checked the number and dropped. 

"Who was that?" David asked, looking suspiciously at the phone. 

"I have no idea. Come on the elevator is here." I said getting inside the stylish elevator. We walked in to the parking lot and I took my keys out. I opened the trunk and dropped my bag and laptop. 

"Nice car. I didn't know you had a thing for muscle cars." I looked up at David who was now admiring the car. 

"A little secret of mine. I bought it for a small price when I first got here. Getting it fixed cost me an arm and leg." I said admiring the red hot car that men envied.

"Why didn't you use the funds I gave you. I looked at the account and there was not even a single cent taken out." I looked at him feeling irritated. I threw the keys to him to take the drivers seat. He opened the passenger seat for me and walked around to the drivers side. 

"Can we not talk about it now till dinner, please. Anyway we need to pass by the deli just down the road. I need to get Antonio his breakfast fix or he will be grumpy all day." I said while pulling the seat belt, he watched me while I spoke with such intensity I felt like I was being scrutinized. 

"I love you Kate and I don't want to ever lose you again." I was left speechless by his words as he leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away and started the car, driving out the parking lot smiling.

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