New Life

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6 Months Later

I had escaped, moved to a foreign country where no one knew me and I knew no one except for the two people who lived with me in the apartment. It took everything in me to walk away from him, I still had nightmares at night about him. I would wake up sweating and writhing under the sheets. I would wake up with puffy eyes and a grumpy mood. We had moved to Ibiza and took everything in the bank. We closed everything down, we had no credit cards to our names nor a bank to save our money in. Close family only knew where we were. Seven in the morning and the sun was already beating down, I was going through the reservation list on the laptop that seemed to be as old as the old lady who lived next door my apartment. I got a job by chance while working as a waitress in one of the fine restaurant by the beach. A guy had approached me and given me his card and two weeks later I was working for him, planning on opening up a new club. Models, photographers and anyone you can think of were already running around the place. Doing last minute touch ups, there was an excitement in the atmosphere. 

"Sweetheart if you continue looking at that screen you will become that screen." I smiled at the now handsome face coming towards me, dressed in just a vest and shorts, he looked like he just stepped out from a magazine. Pity his gay, I smiled warmly at him.

 "Maybe if you got me a proper laptop I wouldn't have to work with this slow laptop of yours. Anyway, are you excited for today?" Antonio sighed dramatically while pulling a chair and sitting next too me. 

"Honey don't blame the laptop for your sour mood, anyway yes I am absolutely excited about today. Those press people are waiting on my ass to show up at the gates but they can wait." He waved about his hands dramatically showing off his perfect teeth.

 "How is the list looking? I don't want some tacky bitches her today or some wannabe-tan-looking guy here." I laughed at his statement and shook my head. 

"Well you got your little apartment here and the guys from the salon will be here soon. The list is fine, I just emailed it to all the promoters that will be in the front in case people forget their invitations but all is well." I smiled warmly to assure him. 

"Great, where is that barman with the champagne. I am thirsty." He ran his hands through his hair showing that he was nervous. I patted his knee and got up from the seat. 

"Let me get home and change in to something sexy. The driver will be waiting for me around 11." I kissed his cheek and left him looking nervous on the deck looking down at the soon to be club.

My phone was ringing constantly, people wanting to do last minute bookings. I switched of my phone and got in my car, when I was about to drive out, I saw Brad waving in the review mirror. Fucken great, I growled silently knowing that he was going to ask me out yet again. Brad was tall, blonde and with killer blue eyes but no brains. 

"Kate leaving without saying goodbye?" His British accent pouring out at each word he said. I looked up in to his piercing blue eyes. If only he had brains to go with his looks.

 "I will be back Brad, I need to prepare myself for later. Everything is set, when the girls arrive give them the tablets to check the lists of the arrivals." He nodded in understanding and eyed my car. 

"You know if you were not a female I was going to envy you for such a beauty of a car. Anyway you got a date for tonight?" He asked showing his perfect straight teeth. 

"Yes, I will be bringing my best friend but I will have a drink and a dance with you." He beamed up and stepped back and waved him good bye. Why I couldn't get the ones with brains was beyond me,great traffic was a stand still, this made me smile and reminded me of my first day that I met David. Only six months ago I met him. I smiled sadly to myself knowing he must have been crushed when I left. I had to get a beach front apartment at Ibiza, I slowly snaked my way through the traffic until I got to a private building now that I called home. I parked and made my way up. Counting the hours down and watching the floors pass by. This was all dejavu for me. it felt like I was about to see David all over again, the small sadness which began was easily put aside. I had a whole future to look forward to then to think of the past. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves for later on. When I unlocked the door, I was greeted by my small dutchhond. I gave her a scratch and dropped everything and made my way to the kitchen. 

"Where have you been and why is that your phone is off?" Kristine was on her bitch mood again. I glanced over my shoulder and opened the refrigerator for something to drink. 

"Well, hi to you too. My phone is off because people are making last minute bookings. Did you try and call me?" I asked her while grabbing a soda and a salad. She came around and leaned against the counter before she took my soda and opened it. She took a sip and handed me the can. 

"Yeah, your dad called said he needed to speak to you urgently but told him you were at work so he asked that you call him tomorrow." She said while grinning at me, she knew I hated when she drank my soda. 

"Thanks, I will call him tomorrow and why aren't you getting ready. The car will be here by ten-thirty and its nine already. Knowing how long you take in the shower. Where's Chris?" I asked digging in to my salad while she opened the cupboards looking for something to snack on. 

"Oh he went to go see his boyfriend. He said he will show up around eight or so. His gone on a date on some boat." I finished my salad and soda and made my way to my room.

"Krist the car is here, hurry up." I glanced down at my wrist in irritation. We were late because of her and Antonio was going to kill me. I tapped my foot trying to calm my nerves. She finally came out looking like she just stepped of the catwalk. 

"Damn, girl if I was a man you were not going to leave this apartment. You going to kill hearts today." She glanced down at her outfit and looked up sheepishly at me.

 "I would say the same with you. You lost plenty around the waist. Lets go." I put the alarm on and locked the door. The doorman opened for us and the car was waiting for us with driver waiting by the door. 

"Good day ladies, I will be your driver for the day. My name is Ben." He bowed gracefully and opened the back door for us to step in. Kristine and I got in and looked at each other excitedly, Ben walked around and joined the light traffic that had began for the Saturday party goers.When we finally arrived, everything was set. Red carpet, champagne glasses ready to be given out, gifts and beautiful models. 

"Oh My Freaken Gosh!!! Why didn't you tell me this is some high celebrity party." She squealed excitedly while holding my hand. I was more nervous then excited for the grand opening. The driver went through the hotel entrance. 

"Ladies I was instructed to drop you here to meet with Antonio at his suite. Enjoy your evening ladies." He said smiling warmly at us. The doorman had already opened the door for us, we made our way up to the receptionist who looked sternly at us. 

"Afternoon ladies, how can I assist you?" She asked us without any welcoming tone in her voice. 

"Hi, Antonio is expecting us. Kate and Kristine." I said without hiding my irritation with her. Stuck up bitch. She flipped her blonde locks and typed on her computer. 

"Room 326, on the left, level 10. You won't miss it." She said and pointed to the elevator. We made our way up without speaking to one another. We made our way to his suite and knocked on the door. 

"Do you know why he wants to see us?" Kristine asked me and while  picking her nails. 

"No idea why he wants to see us." just when I answered a tall tanned male opened the door. 

"Darlings, come in." he kissed us each on the cheek before proceeding inside.

 "Aren't we looking fabolous today. Those Louboutins, you girls make me envy you. Come, come no time to chat. I got us some swim wear." He lead us down the corridor while we looked around. His suite was bigger then my apartment. There were some picture against the walls. 

"We wearing swimwear?" I asked looking at Kristine in surprise as she did me. 

"Yes, yes what did you expect? Only the guest to swim. Honey, we in this together. Check the bags and for the sizes. Wear them under those sexy cocktail dresses then we can go blow them away."

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