꧁༺ 𝒲𝓇𝑒𝓃 ༻꧂

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Your grandmother, Sayuri, was capable of many things. She could cook, she could clean, be your emotional support.

What you didn't know was that she was also capable of child abuse.

"That hurt, granny..." You groaned out, clutching the back of your head.

"I don't know where you learned that language from" Sayuri looked down at you disappointment in her eyes. "That is not how you speak to people"

You looked down at the ground, guilty, then craning your neck at the man who was built like a Greek god.

Wow, it must be a skill to look this fine and still look like a hobo at the same time.

Seeing Toji wasn't the only shock, you didn't expect to see Megumi being held up by his arm either.

"Sorry," you mumbled out.

"For a toddler, you speak quite a bit" Toji smirked down at you. Megumi stared down at you, not understanding the context of the conversation. You shrugged not replying.

Looking anywhere but his eyes, you were very adamant about not having any sort of communication with this man. You did not forget what happened in the Star Plasma arc, for some reason, this guy has a thing for killing and traumatising minors and you're dead set on not being on that list.

"Himari and I don't know how she got so good at speaking so quickly, she even speaks English fluently," Sayuri said, showing you off. Toji gave you a raised brow, in suspicion.

Crouching onto the ground, you started to look at an ant with immense interest.

"Is that so? Maybe Megumi could learn a thing or two from her. In fact, why don't you kids play while we catch up?"

You felt shivers crawl up your spine when you felt his pointed look. Toji placed the quiet boy on the ground, who looked up at his father with distaste, who only gestured for him to go play.

Mentally grinning, you could turn this situation back in your favour. If you went off with Megumi, it meant that you didn't have to be around Toji and risk doing anything that gave him any sneaky suspicion to absolutely decapitate you.

"Let's go, emo" Grabbing Megumi by the wrist, you walked away from the adults, and further into the area, where it was a lot greener and there was a nice small green field you both could sit at.

Toji and Sayuri watched you two walk off, your grandmother was at least happy you were connecting people your age, despite not starting elementary yet.

"It's weird, two days ago she was reading a book that was in English too. It gets weirder, it was a book on psychological tendencies. I've never met a child with such academic vigor" Sayuri explained.

"Neither have I..." He pinned one last look at you before both the children disappeared round a corner.


You let go of the boy's hand when you reached a tree that provided shade and sat down, lying against it. The breeze is cool and refreshing, a welcome relief from the warmth of the sun. It ruffles your hair gently and tickles your skin with its playful touch. As you close your eyes and bask in the sensation of the wind, you feel a profound connection to the natural world around you. In its gentle sway, you find solace and peace, knowing that you are a part of something vast and beautiful.

Being a child again felt so carefree. Despite not being able to live out your full adult life. You were for sure going to savour being a child, while still having an adult brain.

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now