꧁༺ 𝓜𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓭 ༻꧂

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Thank you guys so much!! 

I blinked at we are almost at 4k reads??

5k wordsss <33


Where is Drakkar at?!

—I'm gonna get killed by an op!

You guessed it had been around ten minutes since the samurai-looking curse shuffled into the large space you were hiding in.

You found yourself trapped.

The only exit you saw was the one you came in.

Panic clawed at your chest, its icy fingers squeezing tighter with each passing moment. Your heart hammered in your chest, a wild rhythm of fear and despair. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each second dragging like an eternity.

Oh, fuck it!

The curse surveyed the space, waiting for you to reveal yourself. It growled when it saw you move out from behind a pillar.

"Hey! You want this finger— Oh my gosh, when did you last put on a toner?"

Looking at the samurai from a better angle, you see its face has large bumps and face blisters littered across its face. However, that wasn't the shocking part, its stomach had its organs hanging out from a large horizontal slash, that looked to belong to a knife wound across its abdomen. Its arms were long, due to them looking like katana blades.

Did this guy commit seppuku?

"T-t-t-tone-tone-to-tone—" The samurai blinked

"Yes honey, a toner. Y'know— Something for hydration on the skin—Do you have oily skin?—You look like you have oily skin, you need to cut that burrito bowl that you have with extra cheese and sour cream"

As you chatted away, you started to circle the curse, who was moving along with you just in the opposite direction. Once you had your back facing the exit, you stopped, and so did the curse.

"—And so I said" You stomped a foot on the ground screeching,"—SHE'S A WIIITCHH!!" Pointing at the wall behind the curse.

The samurai glanced behind itself only to see a cracked grey wall. It turned back to see you running down the hallway, escaping. The samurai tapped the tip of its arms against the ground, growing irritated at being deceived.

I did it!

—Now I have to find Drakkar to deal with this guy!

You saw the same staircase that you used to get up on the first floor, as you sped up, there was the growing instinctual feeling telling you to duck down.

Following the feeling, you dove to the ground, passing above your body was a semi-circle-shaped attack, no doubt from your pursuer. A small gust of wind followed the slash as it hit the staircase leading downstairs.


Hurriedly, you got up and turned the corner to take another staircase, leading upwards. The clacking steps behind you were all you needed to know that the samurai was still chasing after you.

You stumbled through the labyrinthine corridors on each floor trying to find the next set of staircases leading further into the building, your breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Every clack of its sandal, every whisper of the wind through broken windows, seemed to taunt you with the knowledge of your isolation.

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now