꧁༺ 𝓢𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽: 𝓔𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓔𝔂𝓮!༻꧂

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We hit 30k+ reads!! and over 2K in votes and 1k comments <333


Again, I thank my lovely beta-reader, Aster <3333

This chapter is just supposed to be a side canon of misceallanous events in thanks for the amazing reads! 


As the final bell of the school day rang out, a palpable sense of relief and excitement filled the air. You along with many other students eagerly packed away your books and supplies, the clatter of lockers and the hum of conversation creating a familiar end-of-day tune.

It was the last day of the week, all you had planned for this glorious weekend was to just sit back and relax.

When all of a sudden, you hear a grating burst of giggles echoing down the hallway. It started faintly, like the distant tinkling of bells, but quickly grew louder and more infectious. Curious, several students glanced toward the door, their interest piqued by the unusual sound.

Suddenly, a group of girls and boys, their faces alight with joy and excitement, dashed past the open classroom door. Some had backpacks swinging wildly, and others clutched crumpled papers and textbooks to their chests. Their chatter was loud enough that you heard it from the classroom.

"I think I saw him waiting near the front of the school! You think he has a sibling in the school?"

"Ugh—Quick! He might leave soon then! Even if it's just one glimpse!"

"I saw him on my way to my last class! He doesn't know it yet, but we have an autumn wedding planned"

"Oh my gosh, no! He is such a summer wedding type of guy!"

"Well, I for one think he suits a spring wedding!"

"Ugh, no one cares, Suyuki!"

You watched the group as they continued to speed-walk to the entrance of the school.

Is there a celebrity here?

Turning to a classmate, you asked, "Hey, do you know if there is a celebrity at the school?—What was all that about?"

"I heard from my friend—and I quote 'He is my glorious blue-eyed king'—whatever that means"

You thanked them before they left you to your thoughts.

Glorious blue-eyed king?

Who the fuck—?

Then it dawned on you.

Who else had eyes that looked like carbon copies of the most expensive sapphires, eyes that were a mesmerizing shade of bright blue, reminiscent of the clearest summer sky?


With quickened steps, you went to the side of the classroom to look out of the window, where you could catch a glimpse of the school entrance. Your hands gripped the window pane when you saw a tall man dressed in black clothes with the purest white hair.

Why is Gojo here?!

A swarm of both male and female students—even the teachers wanted to get a good look at the man who did nothing but smile and wave at their curiosities. Students were shoulder to shoulder, pushing against one another, squealing at the sorcerer.

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now