꧁༺ 𝒱𝓊𝓁𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 ༻꧂

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It's been a few years since you've seen the Fushiguros, it was only confirmation that Gojo must have, by now taken it upon himself to be Megumi's benefactor. You weren't sure how to feel now that timeline wheel was spinning and you were in it, indefinitely.

However, having met Megumi when he was young, you were sure he wouldn't remember you. Right?

You didn't forget the whole shrine thing that happened either. Your grandmother did keep her promise and got Himari to get you a book on Hachiman, but it only scratched the surface of what you wanted to know. There was some symbolism, like the whole bird mask. Apparently, Hachiman used birds as messengers, which only meant that the one who blessed you must have been his subordinate.

So much to think about, I'm only an adult in the body of a six-year-old.

"Human grievances always taste so good... How delicious!—"

What in the—

When you'd walk home from school, you would always pass a cemetery. Never have you taken a second glance since the place was usually littered with curses, but this time, there was only one.

A big one, bigger than the curse that got their ass swiped back at the shrine.

That curse is... speaking.

It was already rare enough that curses could speak, but for it to speak so fluently, it only meant that it's been around for a long time. Your small hands gripped the straps of your backpack tightly But despite the terror gripping your heart, you find yourself unable to tear your gaze away from the horrifying sight.

It looked like a large lizard, a creature that seems to have crawled straight out of the darkest recesses of your nightmares. Its massive form looms ominously above the two people who were crying in front of their loved one grave, every inch of its body covered in glossy black scales that gleam malevolently in the faint light.

The lizard's body is massive and muscular, with sinewy limbs that end in razor-sharp claws capable of rending flesh with ease. Its eyes, twin orbs of fiery red, glare at the civilians with a predatory intensity, it could easily pierce through your very soul with their malevolent gaze.

I'm just going to pretend, I didn't see anything.

Robotically, you turned away and started to walk away from the cemetery. The crying from the man and woman, made you wince at every step you took seeing how they were being taken advantage of by the huge lizard. But what was a six-year-old supposed to do against an overgrown reptile?

That's right. Nothing.

So why were you crouching behind a bush close by?

Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck... Why is my body moving like a Midoriya?!

The eyes of the large beast, glanced at the bush you were peaking behind from, making you hide back behind the greenery, hoping it didn't notice you. After a while, you deemed it safe to look back.

Analysing the situation, you could see the curse inhaling something coming out of their bodies.

Is it eating... their cursed energy?

From what information you got from the anime, negative emotions were the source of cursed energy. As much as you tried to use negative emotions to harbour negative energy, it never came to you, as annoying as it was.


You saw that one of the civilians had a concerning picture of a loli on his bag.

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now