꧁༺ 𝓡𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 ༻꧂

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"So what you're telling me is that curses, usually the grade one and above, have a reality TV show? How is that even possible?"

You and Drakkar were walking to the convenience store, the only reason that you were even going was because Drakkar kept nagging at you at the sandbox that he was hungry. While walking, he told you about this reality TV show made to be watched by curses.

This made you think how small of a world the series Jujutsu Kaisen was represented. The fact that there were spiritual bodies, hungry special grades and now there is a reality TV show for curses?

It felt scary thinking you knew so much but it was like this world was the ocean and you've only discovered five per cent of it. No amount of fanfiction or reincarnated villainous female lead could have prepared you for this journey.

"There is this special-grade curse that can record and broadcast anything it sees" The lizard answered.

"Is there like a whole society of curses or something?"

Drakkar burst out in laughter. "That is hi-la-ri-ous! Curses working together? What a nightmare that would be!"


The idea of there being a 'curse society' was a silly thought, if your own human society was already as corrupt you didn't want to know how dark and vile a curse society would be.

The only thing that would come close would be Kenjaku's little club he had going on and even then they acted like rabid animals to one another and went behind each other's backs.

"Is there like multiple channels it broadcasts?"

"No, there is only one. Just a few months ago it finished broadcasting this year's season 'Cursed Love'" Drakkar grinned, wagging his tail. "It's a show where curses find love with other curses. This year's season was very unexpected but worthy to watch by someone as great as I am!"

Genuinely curious you asked, "What happened this season?"

Two small claws squashed your cheeks together and brought you closer to the lizard's face. "I am so glad you asked! Quentin was a special-grade curse and Phoebe was a grade one and..."

Gradually, your face grew tired, and you half-listened to Drakkar's long explanation of what went down. In summary, Quentin leads Phoebe's feelings to think that they could be together despite their different statuses, however, in the end, Quentin ends up consuming Phoebe because of her lack of bloodlust.

Drakkar kept rolling on. "...Everyone thought it was a forbidden love trope, but I knew Quentin's true intention! Like, who splits the bill on the first date? Total Red flag!" You hummed back, lazily regretting asking in the first place.

Arriving at the convenience store, the sound of the bell ringing as you walked in. You walked to the snacks aisle and picked out a range for you and Junpei. The absent feeling of Drakkar not on your shoulder made you panic and start looking around, only to find him licking the glass that displayed the hot food selection.

This no-manner-having lizard.

You grimaced as you saw the lizard's tongue run across the glass, covering it with his saliva. You looked away, unable to watch the disgusting display, and that's when the sight of a tail peaking from behind an aisle caught your attention.

Walking closer, the tail looked like a cat's tail. Turning the corner you saw a cyan cat, you could tell it was dirty from how matted its fur looked. However, the thing that separated itself from a regular cat was the sight of its two fluffy tails and black sclera eyes with yellow iris. No normal cat had these features; the cat was a curse.

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