꧁༺ 𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓭 ༻꧂

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Guys, why is it that I blink again at we are at over 10k reads?


But also thank you to my lovely, wonderful beta reader <33 Who read it over and edited some bits.

For some clarification: MC was an ADULT before she went ahead and had a nuclear shit


The hospital room was sterile and brightly lit, the harsh overhead lights reflecting off the pristine white walls and the cold, tile floor. The air was thick with the scent of antiseptic and the faint, metallic tang of medical equipment. In the corner of the room, a young woman was slumped over the edge of a narrow hospital bed, her usual beautiful face, now pale and sweaty, her eyes half-open and glazed with discomfort.

Suddenly, a violent retch shook her body, causing her to lean forward, convulsing as she vomited into a plastic basin held by a concerned nurse. The sound was harsh and guttural, a mixture of liquid splashing and strained gasps for air. The vomit was thin and bile-colored, a clear sign of her empty stomach after hours of heaving.

You and your grandmother stood nearby, your faces etched with worry and regret, watching helplessly as another wave of nausea hit. Sayuri reached out, placing a tentative hand on your mother's shoulder, offering silent support as the medical staff worked to stabilize her.

I have to say—

Thank God, it was just alcohol poisoning.

When you and your grandmother arrived, one of her colleagues who had stayed told you that Himari was brought into the ER because she was binge-drinking at the work party after she found out she got a promotion.

While it sounded like great news, the sound of your mother's hurling says otherwise. Himari kept mumbling out sentences once you and your grandmother had arrived.

"Ar-are-are you— hiccup— proud of m-me mom?—I'm moving-moving— hiccup —up ​​in life!" Your mother said, face still buried in the basin. "Baby, are-are you proud that-that your mom can— hiccup— now afford to get you a phone!"

Oh, gosh

Tonelessly, you replied, "Mom, you've always tried your best for both Granny and me—We were always proud of you"

Your mom started to sniffle her nose and looked at you with teary eyes, however, the sight of a string of bile coming down her chin made your stomach uneasy.

"I-I-I love you both!" Himari said as tears streamed down her cheeks before her face contorted sickly and continued to vomit into the bowl.

That earned an eye roll from you but your grandmother gave a small worried smile, "Yes, yes—That's it let it all out"

"I'm gonna go get a drink from the vending machine, granny," You said, earning a nod of acknowledgement from her.

Leaving the room, you inhaled and exhaled trying to relieve all that overwhelming stress you felt. After all, you had a busy day of fighting a samurai curse who did not know a lick of what skincare was and dealing with a pre-diabetic Gojo and now you were at the hospital.

Since you were in such a hurry, you left without Drakkar and Maneki, leaving them to take care of the house.

Made me do all that worrying, thinking that one of the psychos in this world got the jump on her!

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now