꧁༺ 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓷 ༻꧂

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Thank you so much guys, we hit 2K reads !!<33

Enjoy, lovelies<3


You nodded to yourself in the mirror, satisfied with the outfit you had on. Himari talked about a work party that was coming up and wanted to invite you to go with her so she could introduce her co-workers.

At first, you weren't very keen on going, but Drakkar had slipped that the next training day would be on muscle conditioning. So, you were getting ready for a formal adult party.

I think I look pretty cute in this dress

"You look fat..." Drakkar said as he lay on his side, a TV remote in one hand and the other down a packet of popcorn.

You looked at the lizard, repulsively, as you saw him stuff his face with popcorn while proceeding to chew loudly. "Yeah—and you're homeless. So which is worse?"

Drakkar stopped chewing and directed his attention from the TV to you. Looking down at his position on your bed he saw how lazy he looked. Throwing the remote away, he brushed off popcorn off his scales and sat up on his hind legs.

"For your information, I'm not homeless" The reptile looked up for a second, "I'm just a wanderer!"

"So you're a nomad?" You looked at him through the mirror as you fixed your hair.

"Without all the rules of being nice, yes!"

You remembered when you found out about his age, it was scarily close to when Sukuna was around.

"Back when you were a lot younger... Were there any—Oh, I don't know—, other powerful Curses?" You slyly asked.

Drakkar made a sound of confusion at your sudden interest, he was silent for a moment as if thinking if he should tell you.

"There—... was." He confessed slowly.

"Really, like who?!" You said overly excited, when you realised your tone, you repeated it but calmer.

Drakkar couldn't help but lift a brow at your strange attitude. "I don't really wanna talk about that guy—" He laid back on your pillow. "Ugh— Just thinking about him makes me sick. He was such a bitch too"

Turning away from your dresser you looked at the lizard who started to get grumpy, mumbling things under his breath.

Oh, this will be good

"Drakkar, do this— Drakkar, I murdered a whole civilisation— Drakkar, you're getting pimples— Ugh! Like who even asked your prestige ass?!" The small beast mimicked as he stood up from his position and walked back and forth on your bed.

Thought you said you didn't wanna talk about it.

You and Maneki kept your eyes on Drakkar as he vented about this curse.

"—But I'm glad his ugliness is gone, it was ruining my reputation"

This is my chance!

"What happened to him?" You said as you stroked Maneki's head.

Drakkar grinned, baring his teeth, "He got his ass handed to him by sorcerers, and they all jumped him—What a loser, RAHAHAHA!"

You leaned forward from your chair, "W-what was his name?"

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now