꧁༺ 𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮 ༻꧂

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Why am I getting a sense of deja vu?

In front of you stood a tall building that looked to be a temple. The way this irritating feeling scratched your head, you feel like you've seen this building before. 

Your mouth stretched out into a yawn; your mother had forced you out of bed this morning, dressing you up in a simple kimono. It was blue with white wavy patterns at the bottom to make it look like crashing waves.

Looking over at your mother who was fixing her appearance with a compact, you squinted your eyes when she started putting lip liner, lipstick, and sprayed perfume on herself.

"Who is she slutting out for?" Drakkar looked at your mother with a tired expression as he laid across your shoulders. 

Even though he would never openly admit it, in silence, he loved lying in this spot.

"Mum, we are at a temple, not the club" You sighed.

Himari was a great mother when she needed to be, but she was also a young woman. You couldn't blame her for wanting to go out and use up all her youth before she had to move on. 

However, she didn't make an effort to not let you know that you were the cause. It didn't bother you either way, it was hard to try and adjust to having a different mother, for you it made sense to see Himari as an older sister/aunt. 

It was a bit different with Sayuri as you never knew your real grandparents, so in comparison, it was easier to see her as a grandmother. 

"I know, I know— But we may meet your stepdad here~" Himari packed away her cosmetics and patterned down her kimono.


You gave your mother an incredulous look, with your jaw open. The two large doors of the temple opened revealing a woman with reddish-burgundy hair in a suit. She smiled at you both, before looking down at her clipboard.

"We are so glad you came to our religious group for help, our priest is just getting ready for your consultation!"


What in the ever-loving fuck is going on here?

The lady showed you and your mother inside and acquainted you with some seats a few meters away from another large door. Your hands began to shake, you had a bad feeling about this.

"Mum, why are we here?"

"Sweetie, I love and all, but the screaming in your room, almost scared Granny to death and she is way too close already." She patted your head, worried "Maybe this Buddhist can help you with these... difficulties"

Your mother did have a point, after that horrifying attack from a hungry Drakkar a few weeks ago, you were scared of how unpredictable the small beast could be.

"So what was the whole stepdad thing?"

"Ah! Nagi told me that the Buddhist is super handsome, his name is Geto Suguru"

As your mum continued to talk, there was a small rebuffering sign going on inside your head at the mention of that name.

Geto... Suguru...


Standing up abruptly from the chair, you stared at your mother, nervously.

"Uhm, I'm going to go to the toilet really quickly!"

𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 〣 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now