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- we are we going to see each other again?
Young y/n asked to her best friend.
- I don't know, but you don't have to worry, because you and I will always be friends.
- do you promise?
- cross my heart and hope to die.
He said making a cross over his heart.
- no, I don't want you to die, then my heart will hurt.
He smiled.
- is a saying silly, it means that I promise that we will see each other again, it doesn't matter how long it takes.
He said ruffling her hair.
- why do you have to go so far away, can you study in here?
- please don't be sad, is only for a little while.
He assured y/n, her eyes were glossy and watery.
- don't cry, it makes look ugly.
He teased her.
- I hate you...
- yep, the lies, because you hate me so much is the reason why you are in the verge of tears right now.
- idiot...
She turned around to walk away from him but he reached for her hand stopping her.
- my silly y/n, all these years around me and still don't know how to take my jokes.
- Jungkook, what you see as a joke, most of the times it isn't.
She said at the same time she swatted his hand away.
- come on, I do not have that much time before I have to go.

Her heart ached every time he said the words I have to go, she was only fifteen so there was still too much that she couldn't understand, when it came to the feelings and the way the heart worked, but one thing she knew for certain was that she would never feel about anyone else they way she felt about him.
- I hope time goes by quickly.
- it will, you will see.
He said one last time, opening his arms in an embrace.

- Jungkook, is time to go so hurry back inside and grab your things!!!
- I'm coming mom!!!
He said loudly, arms still open for y/n.

- come on silly billy, I have to go.
- (loud sigh) I'm going to miss you.
She said finally walking in the embrace.
- I will miss you too friend, thank you for being my friend all these years, you mean a lot to me.
- you too Jungkook, you befriend me since I moved next door to you.
- of course, you are funny and silly and always make me laugh.
- is that the only reason why you are my friend?
- no there is a lot more reasons but I can't stay here and tell you all of them because my mom already called me once.
- ok, take care of yourself, can we keep contact?
- of course, you have my number, and I have yours.
She nodded at him at the same time she smiled.
- see you soon.
He leaned closer leaving a kiss on her forehead, before running back inside his house.
It was the last time she saw him, they were only 15 years old.


- goodness, this is were I ended up ten years after I left Canada, this is amazing.
Jungkook said as he walked through the airport, his flight had just landed in Paris at the Charles Gaulle airport in Paris
- woah, woah this place is beyond my imagination..
He said to himself.
- I wonder, what could she be doing right now, what did she study?
Jungkook thought about y/n, his best friend, he saw her ten years ago, one last time before he left Toronto, his family had to leave abruptly to Seattle because his mother's mother had fallen very ill and she was moving there to take care of her mother.
He talked to y/n, a few times after they moved, but after that it became more difficult as they got busier with life, studies, and other people in their lives.

- baby, wait for me, you have longer legs.
- sorry Amber, I'm just too excited I guess.
Jungkook said to his now girlfriend, they have been together for a couple of years, when he told her that he was going to move to Paris to work with a designer friend that he offered him a job. she proposed for them to move together, which he didn't think it was a bad idea at the moment, so he went for it.

- let's hurry up so we can get our luggage and get out of here quickly, I don't like to be around so much people.

She said holding onto his arm, her grip was unyielding.
- alright, easy with those nails woman, my arm is made out of meat not concrete.
- funny...
She said but he didn't notice when she rolled her eyes at him.

- I have to get settled quickly, I don't have long before the new fashion season.
- I still don't understand, why did you have to move all the way up here just for fashion season?, is not like your family is still here.
- it will be easier being here in this place Amber, you didn't have to come with me, I told you where I was going, you insisted on coming with me, if you want you can go back home, and wait for me there, my friend offered me a job with him, I can't throw offers like that away.
- what, are you kidding me, why are you so insistent on coming alone, are you trying to cheat on me or something Jungkook?
- what are you talking about? I don't know anyone in here, so I assure you that's the last trying in my mind, most of the time I barely have time to myself.
- (scoffs) it better be.
- come on, we just got here.
He said reaching for her hand making his way through the airport towards baggage claim.

- tell me why, did you chose the one of the most demanding careers in the world?
She asked.
- why did you?
He rebutted.
- I dreamt about being a model since I can remember, my parents moved to Seattle because of my grandmother when I was very young, wanting to make a better like for us, so since I was very young I became very interested in fashion for some reason.
- is so demanding, you can't eat whatever you want all the time Jungkook.
- who says I don't? It will be ok Amber.

A few days later Jungkook had helped her to get settled at their place, in Paris, his friend/designer had set him up with his own place before moving to Paris, but most likely he would not be able to enjoy it too much, specially when he had to worry about the fashion shows coming ahead specially if he had to go out of town.

- alright Amber, I'm heading out now.
- must you go?
- (laugh out loud) of course I must silly, I have to go to the agency, the new fashion season is upon us, so I have to be in top notch condition for it.
- ok, that means I'm going to have to go to my agency alone, for how long though?
- I don't know, hopefully not too long, you could find something to entertain yourself with.
- like what?
- idk, a part time job...
- what, are you crazy, do you really want me to find a job?

He looked at her, then shook his head.
- it's just a suggestion, otherwise you will be here alone for as long as I will be gone.
- I'll manage on my own.
- go explore, learn about the town, the subway system is very good.
He said as he was walking out the door.
- she is too much sometimes, and I honestly don't have time for this.

Jungkook made his way to the modeling agency for his first meeting with his friend.

- y/n, are you ready for the new fashion season?
- as ready as I can be Changmin, specially when we have less and less talented models each season, let's see how many good talented models we get this season.
- come one y/n, please be more positive.
- I am trying to stay positive Changmin, you seem too relaxed when we have fashion week closer with every breath we take.
She said.
- you sure don't sound like it.
- I am positive that there will be some models coming our way, how many of those are good we have yet to see.
- go, I have to go welcome the new model.
- new model, why didn't I not know about this sir?
- you didn't, I don't understand why, everyone knows by now, you will meet him as soon as he gets here which should be soon, now let me go to meet him so you can too, by the way he is a good friend of mine.

He said walking out of his office leaving y/n behind, she walked out behind him making her way to the sewing room.

- a new model, hopefully he is good, I'm tired of seeing these supposed models but no one is as talented as they claim.
She thought to herself, before walking in her office.

Jungkook finally made it to the building, he walked inside trying to figure out where to go.
- Jungkook, you are finally here.

A voice brought his attention to the center of the lobby

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A voice brought his attention to the center of the lobby.

Jungkook said extending his hand towards him.
- Changmin, yes I am friend it was a tiresome trip
- I bet it was but I'm glad you are here, come on let me show you around.
- are you the designer for this upcoming season?

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