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- Changmin is right.
- well, let's go get something to eat, I have to get back to work, lots to do before Friday.
She said changing the subject abruptly.
- she is right.
Changmin added.
After lunch they walked back to the building, they were almost at the door of the building when Jungkook got ambushed.
- baby, there you are!!!
A female voice made his head turn.
- woah.
He had to brace himself for the impact.
- they told me that you weren't here.
- we went out to lunch, what are you doing here?
- well, my manager made some calls and he managed to get me a spot in Friday's fashion show.
- ah, that's good, please stop. there is people with me.
He said grabbing her arms to break the bear hug she had him locked in.
- Changmin, this is Amber.
- nice to meet you young lady.
- nice to meet you as well.
- y/n, this is Amber.
- I'm his girlfriend.
Amber added quickly.
- nice to meet you.
Y/n said with a smile.
- well I'm going back to work, if you excuse me.
Changmin said before walking back in the building.
- I do too.
Y/n spoke up wanting nothing more than disappear from their presence.
- you said that you were to show me the clothes that I will be wearing Friday.
- well, you have company now, so we can do it later.
- can't she come with us?
- that's a great idea baby.
She said squeezing her body against his arm.
- I'm sorry but that won't be possible, Changmin doesn't allow anyone but the model to see his designs before the fashion show.
- I understand, don't you have things to do Amber?, I'll find you when we finish with the clothes.
- not really, they already took my measurements and showed me the clothes I will be wearing.
- it's ok Jungkook, come and find me whenever you have time, she is here to see you, we still have time.
- ok then.

Y/n made her way inside so quickly, she almost ran inside.
- what the hell did we just walk into?
She shook her head finally walking back in the safety of her room.
- who was that woman?
- she is Changmin's assistant, the guy who was with us when you saw us, he is the designer of this weekend's fashion shows, also he happens to be someone that I'm very fond of.
- is she your friend too? She was talking to you in a very friendly way.
Amber asked Jungkook.
- actually she is a good friend of mine as well, we met when we were about 7 years old, my family had just moved to Toronto, her family lived next door, the last time we saw each other was when I moved to Seattle.
- oh really, so you haven't seen each other in a while then?
- ten years, what's with all this questions Amber?
- just curious.
- you better not be jealous of her, because she is just my friend, now can you go home so I can do what I'm here to do and go home too.
- I still don't see why I can't go with you inside and watch you try your clothes.
- didn't you hear what she said?
- maybe she just wanted to be alone with you Jungkook.
- please don't start with your nonsense and the jealousy, you know what I'm here for, and I don't have time for that.
- are you trying to get rid of me?
- no. I'm trying to do my job, so please if you already did what you needed to do, I still haven't, I can't stay here and spend time with you when I still have things to accomplish in here.

 I'm trying to do my job, so please if you already did what you needed to do, I still haven't, I can't stay here and spend time with you when I still have things to accomplish in here

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- fine, I'll go home then, see you later.
She leaned to kiss his lips, he moved to meet her kiss but pulled back quickly.
- we are here in front of our work place, there is no need for all this display of affection, they don't need to know that we are dating in there.
- what, why, are you trying to hide me?
- no I'm trying to keep our relationship out of here, they don't need to know Amber.
- so you don't want anyone to know, which means that any woman can come flirt with you.
- that doesn't mean that I'm going to flirt back, so please stop saying those kind of things, now I'm going back in, see you at home.
He waved his hand at her before walking inside the building.
Jungkook walked back to the room where he had met y/n earlier.
- y/n, are you here?
He called while peeking his head through the door.
- y/n?
He called once more now walking in the room.
Y/n was in the back of the room, checking on the outfits for the fashion show, that had being been delivered.

Her back was turned towards the door when he walked in, she was immersed in whatever he was doing. Jungkook just stared at her for a couple of minutes without saying anything, just allowed himself to enjoy her presence after being away from her for so long.

- I missed you so much, why didn't you show up before I met her?

He said to no one but the air, creepingly for a minute, but soon enough he walked closer, still she had no idea, Jungkook stopped close enough to touch her shoulder, but when he did so, her reaction was one that he wasn't expecting.
Y/n threw a punch hitting him on the stomach.
- oofff...
He was winded.
- fuck y/n...
He said out of breath.
- why did you think that it was a good idea to walk up on me like that?
She said holding him so he could stay up.

- I didn't think it through, I'm sorry y/n.
He finally stood straight, with a hand still on his stomach rubbing it trying to ease the pain.
- you have one damn of a hook girl, do you take boxing classes?
- yes, is the only kind of cardio I do because I hate working out.
- a shame.
He said with a smile.

- I'm so sorry, are you ok?She asked moving closer to check up on him

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- I'm so sorry, are you ok?
She asked moving closer to check up on him.
- I am come here...
He said wrapping one arm around her bringing her closer.
- I have been wanting to give you a hug since I saw you this morning.
- why are you hugging me, don't you have a girlfriend?
- so what?, you are my best friend.
- was your best friend.

He frowned at her words.

- look y/n, I'm sorry that we lost contact but that doesn't mean that I didn't think about when I couldn't see you, but I don't see it as the loss of our friendship, I missed you like crazy, right now I am so happy that we met again...
- we are going to have to meet each other again Jungkook, I'm pretty sure that there is lots of things that we don't know an each other, we aren't the young kids that used to run around through the streets of Toronto.
- we are the same people y/n, just bigger, stronger and with some more curves, in your case, beautiful curves if I might say, adulthood looks good on you.
He complimented her, it made her body feel warm, she did a through look of his body, from the tip of his toes or shoes in his case, his legs, stopping briefly at the thighs, he had the thickest thighs in the world, she kept ogling him, his chest, his pecs are massive, she wanted to grope him, until she stopped at his face.
She almost came just looking at him.
- right back at you Jungkook, you are very handsome and sexy, not like you weren't handsome before but age like the wine if you want to look at it some kind of way.
He rose an eyebrow, at her voice, it sounded like she was holding her breath while talking and was about to pass out from the lack of oxygen.
- thank you, I know it was wrong of me, not to try harder to get in touch with you again, I don't have any excuse for not doing so, when I promised you when I left that day that I was going to stay in touch, so I would like for us to get to know each other again if that's what you want, I want to be your confidant again.

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