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He was hot from the anger, felt the guilt too wrapping around his heart.
- I am so wrong for not coming to her, what do I do now, how do I make it up to her, but most of all, how do I get y/n out of my heart and my thoughts?

He kept beating himself, feeling regret for his actions but truth to be told, whatever he had with Amber was not a normal relationship, they had never being intimate, they almost never agreed in anything, unless it was convenient for her.
He laid in bed, his brain wouldn't shut off, the thoughts were overwhelming him, and the guilt weighing his heart down.

In the morning y/n woke up to the alarm, and to a massive headache from the alcohol that she had guzzled down the night before.

- ughhh... what happened?
She asked as she sat up on the bed, pepper was cuddled up to her side, but lifted her head when she felt y/n move.
- hey, did you sleep well?
She asked pepper while scratching her head.
- Jungkook...
She let out a gasp, when the memories of the night before flooded her head.
- oh my goodness, what have I done?

Y/n remember the way she had cornered him in the kitchen, the kiss.
- oh my goodness, what is wrong with me, why did I kiss him like that?
She also remembered what she saw at the party.

- that... that... bitch is cheating on him.
She kicked and beat the mattress, pepper jumped out of the bed immediately and her outburst.
- that's not my business, what's wrong with me?
She got off the bed, making her way to the bathroom, she looked at mess, her bed hair everywhere.

- I'm glad that I didn't wear any makeup yesterday or my face would be destroyed.
She brush her teeth and hair, after a shower, soon enough she was walking to the living room, pepper was already roaming around looking for food.
- Jungkook fed you last night, didn't he?
She asked pepper who could only walk around and rub her body against y/n's legs.
- you like him, don't you?
Y/n asked with a smile.
- you probably won't see him again after the way I acted last night.

Y/n was walking through the doors of the building soon enough, not looking forward to face Jungkook's after what had happened last night between them.

But it was too late Jungkook was waiting for her in front of the room.

- good morning beautiful.

He said extending his hand which had a cup of coffee

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He said extending his hand which had a cup of coffee.
- coffee, I love you.
She said without thinking, but he threw her a wink.
- I love you too love.
- thank you for the coffee I need it.
- I bet, after all that alcohol that you guzzled down last night.
He said his left eyebrow lifting in a teasing manner.
- I'm so sorry about last night Jungkook...
He cut her words before the guilt swallowed her whole.
- stop, I know, there is nothing to apologize for beautiful, we do crazy things when we are drunk.
- but I k...
- I told you not to worry about it.
He said with a smile.
- so... did you get and ear full when you got home last night?
Y/n asked trying to change the subject as they made their way to that sewing room.
- she...
His voice stuttered.
- is she ok?
- yes, or so I think, she wasn't home when I made it.
- what, how come?
- I called her, texted her but there was no answer, so I texted her manager.

Images of last night flash through y/n's mind, it made her chest tightened, she needed to tell him the truth but was it worth it breaking his heart like that, was she being selfish if she did, what if he didn't believe her?
- hey...earth to y/n.
Jungkook called her while snapping the fingers in front of her face.
- ah, yes I'm listening.
- obviously not, because I have said your name a few times and you looked like you were in space.
- I'm fine, so what did the manager say?
- he texted me saying that she was too drunk to take her home, so he got a hotel room at the hotel next door to the party's venue.
- why didn't he take it her to you guys' house?
- that's what I asked him, do you want to know what he said?
- of course.
- he said that he cares about her reputation so he didn't want to carry her out of the building in the state that she was, because people could see her like that and it would not be good for her career, he asked me if I cared about her image at all.
- mother...fucker...

The curse was out before she could even realized it, her hands flew up to cover her mouth.
- y/n...
He couldn't help the reaction at her outburst.
- I'm sorry Jungkook, I just...
- it's ok please stop apologizing to me, just be yourself, I agree with you that he is that, I didn't get to see her this morning, she hadn't even make it home by the time I left.
- woah, that's just bad shit crazy.
He nodded.
- come on sir, we have to get ready for a photoshoot.
- lead the way beautiful.
She turned at the word and gave him a look.
- what?
He asked shrugging his shoulders.
- the pet name Jungkook, I have already told you to stop calling me that, but you still doing it.
- I told you that I wasn't going to stop, is an endearing term.
- yes it is, that should go to your girlfriend not me.

- baby!!!
Their heads turned at the pet name, it was Amber, she moved quickly jumping in Jungkook's arms, his face flushed red.
- hey to you too, what are you doing, we are here at work?
- I just missed you, that's all.
- well you should have come home last night instead of drinking yourself silly and passing out.
- I'm sorry about that baby.
- I'll see you inside Jungkook.

Y/n said before walking in the sewing room.
- yeah, give us some privacy.
- watch you mouth, we are at work, that's the people that make what I do happen.
- what are you doing here, don't you have gig?
- yes later, I came to see you, Hanbin is going to pick me up here.
- well you might not have a gig right at this moment but I have to get ready for a photoshoot, so we can't spend time together.
He said trying without any success to pry her arms open.
- please Amber let go, I have to work.
- can't I come with you?
- this isn't like that, we need to get the outfits ready, I need to help y/n.
- what, why, can't she do her work?
- I told her that I wanted to help her with the outfits, why are we having this conversation Amber, why are you questioning me so much about work?
- because you are too buddy, buddy with that low budget designer assistant.
- I said watch your mouth once already, she is the one that has been helping me succeed, so I need you to get ahold of this petty jealousy shit because I'm not liking it too much, I hate jealousy when I don't give you a reason to doubt me.
- I don't understand why you defend her so much.
- I don't understand, what do you have against her?
He asked finally ripping her arms from around his neck.
- excuse me Jungkook, I don't mean to interrupt but there is not much time before the photoshoot.
Changmin said before walking away.
- yes Changmin, I'm going that way right now.
He said with a vow, before turning towards Amber with glower.
- I'm sorry for you but, you will have to find something else to entertain yourself with.
- fine...
She said before storming off.
- please help me...
He said looking up, before following y/n in the room.
- I don't know what to do.
He said out loud, as he walked closer to her.
- about?
- her.
He confessed.
- what do you mean?
- I don't like the attitude that she has been sporting lately.
- she is jealous, don't you see?
- of what?
- us being so close and around each other that's all.
- that's just childish.
- it might be but not everyone can be mature, can't they?
- (loud sigh) I have a weird feeling.
- about?
- her and her manager Hanbin.
He said, the words were like a bucket of cold water over her head.

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