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- what happened after you left?
She asked, not being able to look at him, she reached for the measuring tape.
- can you take your jacket and shirt off please?
- what?
He was caught off guard by the question.
- I need to take your measurements and give them to Changmin as soon as I can, he needs them to fit your outfits.
- ah yes, I'm sorry.
He said stripping from his jacket and shirt.

- how is your family?
- they are all well, thanks for asking.
- did your grandmother?
- she passed away unfortunately but my mother took care her of her until the very end, how about your family?
- they all well, back in Toronto still in the same spot they were at when you left ten years ago, my dad is retired so he just uses his time to annoy my mother.
- (airy laugh) didn't he always do that even though he was working still?
- yes he did.
She laughed softly.
- so this is what you have become when you grew up a model?
- what's wrong with that, not manly enough?
- no, what are you even saying? I didn't say it because of that, I would have never thought that you were going to become a model that's all.
- sorry, I should not have said that either.
- is ok, lift your arms please.
He did as she asked.
Y/n would not look anywhere else but at the measuring tape because she knew that if she looked at him shirtless, she would not be able to stop.
- step on this please.
She said pointing at a tall circular stand.
- here?
- mhmm.
He followed instructions.
- arms up please.

She went around him, standing behind him, merciful Jesus, this man's back is massive.

Now she could not stop looking at him, she felt the urge to drag her fingers along the airfield of his back

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Now she could not stop looking at him, she felt the urge to drag her fingers along the airfield of his back.
- y/n, is everything ok, am I standing the correct way.
- (fuck me)
She almost slapped herself in the face for staring the way she was staring at him.
- I see you like to workout sir.
She spoke to him in order to take her mind away from his naked back in front of her teasing her, calling for her fingers to touch, to lick, to kiss.
- I do, it keeps my mind sane.
- funny to hear that from a person that despised working out, whenever we did anything active it was because I dragged you out of the room, where you lived playing video games.
- (soft chuckle) indeed you did, I complained at first but once outside with you, I didn't want to go back inside.
- I know your mom came to get you with the broomstick in her hand plenty of times.
They both laughed.
- I need to measure below your waist so please don't take me as a perverted person.
- why would I do that y/n? I know that you are doing your job.
- thank you for your kindness.
- thank you? Y/n we are friends.
- are we?
His facial expression turned into a puzzled one.
- why are you asking that?
- because you said we are friends, but I haven't heard from you in ten years.
She said before moving to measure his legs.
- so because we haven't seen each other in ten years or heard from one another, that means we aren't friends anymore?
- bingo, see I knew you are a smart man.
She said as she got back up, moving in front of him again.
- lastly your waist.
- that was really uncalled for.
- what do you know? You don't know me anymore Jungkook, the y/n that you knew when we were kids is long gone.
- I'm pretty sure she isn't gone, you are just an older version of her now, also more beautiful.
She looked at his face finally, it was the worst mistake that she had ever done, it knocked her heart out of her chest.
- thank you, you aren't half bad yourself.
- I'm done.
She stated.
- ok then.
He said stepping off the platform.
- you can get dressed, I'm going to take this to Changmin, after that I'm going to show you the outfits for this weekend fashion shows.
- great, do I have a few minutes to use the restroom teacher?
He joked.
- what? Of course go do what you have to do, and meet me back here, I can wait for you.
- I don't want to make you wait y/n, I on you are busy.
- there is something call human needs, so I don't mind waiting for you, I'm not a slaver.
- lies, you exploited me and abuse me for your benefits when we were young and I was young and stupid because e always allow you to do whatever you wanted specially with me.
- that was your choice sir.
She said giving him a smile before she walked out the door.
- fuck, why do you show up in my life now?
He shook his head before making his way to the restroom.
Y/n let out a loud sigh as she made her way to Changmin's work room.
- (knocking on the door) Changmin, are you there?
- come in y/n.
She walked in to find him hovering over some sketches and books.
- here they is Jungkook's measurements.
- ah yes, thank you.
- I'm going to take him to see the outfits that he will be wearing this weekend.
- let's pause that for a second, let's take him to lunch, I know you are hungry too, and don't deny it, coffee is not food.
He warned her as he got up.
- come on let's get some food, we can talk about more stuff while we eat
- Changmin...
- I don't want to hear any excuses, are we clear?
- yes Changmin.
She mumbled.
- I'll go get him.
She said walking ahead of him.
- don't you dare try to escape.
He teased her.
Y/n walked to the work room, where she found Jungkook looking around.
- Jungkook.
- yeah?
- Changmin is taking you to lunch.
- really?
- No, Changmin is taking both of you to lunch.

- what are you doing, didn't I just tell you that I'm taking you both? So let's go

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- what are you doing, didn't I just tell you that I'm taking you both? So let's go.
Changmin said out loud but looking at y/n.
- are you uncomfortable coming with us y/n?
Jungkook asked.
- oh no, is not that.
- do I make you uncomfortable?
He asked again.
- what would you ask that? You don't.
She repeated.
- well let's go then.
Changmin said with a smile.
- do you want to call your girlfriend, maybe she would like to join us for lunch?
Changmin threw out there, time stopped at that instant, y/n could not hear anything else but the sound of her shattering heart.
- she won't, she doesn't eat but rabbit's food, so I'm not wasting my time.
Jungkook replied, eyes fixed on y/n's body, her shoulders slumped, the corners of her mouth dropped.
- you should invite her.
She lied trying hard not to let her voice tremble.
- she won't come y/n, like I said before, she is very picky about food, is hard even for me to go out to eat with her, whenever we go she wastes the food she orders so I end up eating it too.
- where the hell do you put it at JK?
- I don't know Changmin, I got a hollow leg maybe.
- (laugh out loud)
- there is no time to waste let's go.
Jungkook motioned to both for them to lead the way.
- are you going to show me around too y/n?
He asked as they walked down the street looking for a place to eat a delicious meal.
- what, why are you asking me that Jungkook?
- well since you are in charge of me in the agency maybe you can take care of me outside of work.
- that would not look well, when you have a girlfriend.
- I just want you to show me around not date me.
- do you know each other by any chance?
- yes Changmin.
He answered beating her to it.
- how if may I ask?
- we grew up together, she was my next door neighbor before my family moved to Seattle.
- no wonder you to are so friendly with each other.
- we used to be friends.
She corrected him.
- used to, why?
- we haven't spoken in ten years, that's why.
- that doesn't matter, friends will always be friends it doesn't matter the time apart nor the distance.

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