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She fixed her hair and did her morning routine before walking back to the room.
- pepper come on honey.
Y/n called to the cat but she didn't budge.
- fine be that way.
Y/n closed the door behind her then made her way to the kitchen.
- god, did we do all this?
She looked at the state of her living room and kitchen.
- were we that drunk?
She began to clean around, before cooking breakfast for both of them.
Jungkook woke up to something tickling his nose.

Jungkook woke up to something tickling his nose

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- mhmm?
He mumbled still half asleep.
- good morning to you too cutie.
He said lifting an arm patting her hump softly.
- are you hungry too? I think mom is cooking something delicious, so let's get up and follow her.
He got out of the bed, taking a few minutes to fix it before he walked in the bathroom to do his routine.
He threw some sweats on forgoes the shirt all together making his way out of the room, when was opening the door, pepper stood on her two back legs for him to pick her up.
- you are a needy little thing, aren't you, is your momma like this too? because if she is, I could get behind that.

He picked her up then walked out the room.
- good morning beautiful.
- (merciful Jesus)
Y/n almost dropped the eggs at the sight of him shirtless with the sweats sitting very low on his hips, for the looks of it he wasn't wearing any underwear either.
- well fuck...
Jungkook lifted one eyebrow in a questioning way.
- y/n, are you ok love?
- yes I am, why do you ask?
- your face became completely flushed, you won't even look at me.

She put all her strength in getting herself together before she lifted her head, eyes collide.
- good morning...
He repeated.
- (clear throat) good morning...
- did you sleep well?
- yes I did, how about you?
- I slept like a baby.
He confessed.
- I see you found a new best friend, traitor.
She said to the cat pointing at her with the spatula l.
- are you jealous because pepper and I are bonding?
He teased.
- of course not, could you feed her please, and clean her bathroom while I cook breakfast for us?
- no problem, I see you cleaned the mess we made already.
- as soon as I walked out here, I can't coexist in a messy place.
- same here, I could have cleaned it for you, though.
- is ok, you are helping me by making sure she is fed as well.
- it will be my pleasure.

She walked to the room for a second, to grab the laundry that was way over due, noticing the made bed.
- (heart swelling) he is a keeper definitely, and I will make sure to keep him , if he wants me too.
She got back to the kitchen to find him watching over the food.
- I was just getting this, you don't have to...
- I don't mind beautiful, don't what you need to do, I'll make the pancakes.
- thank you, do you have anything that needs washing?
- actually, I do...
He ran to the room, quickly grabbing the dirty clothes he had, bringing them to her.
- thank you for that.
- no worries.
Y/n got the laundry going while Jungkook took over breakfast.
- it doesn't worry you, that the butter could splash and burn your boob?
She asked.
- are you trying to be funny, have you never seen a shirtless man before? I know that fact is a lie because you have been seeing me naked more often than my ex girlfriend.
He said back still facing her.
- do you have to say shit like that?, I didn't say it because of the fact you don't have a shirt on...
- then. why the unnecessary comment beautiful?
- I just don't want you to get hurt...
He laughed so loud, pepper jumped slightly.
- you are too cute love.
- you already traumatized the neighbor from across the hallway last night having your tits out.
- she probably enjoyed the view beautiful.
- goodness Jungkook.
She said rolling her eyes at him.
- make some coffee...please.
He said dragging the last syllable of the word.
- yep.
She moved to the kitchen to make some coffee.
- so, what do we have for today madame?
He asked while platting the pancakes.
- those look amazing!
- they are my mom's recipe.
He said proudly.
- she does make great pancakes.
- do you remember?
- of course we spent more times at each other's house than in our owns.
- damn you are right, come on breakfast is ready.
- your coffee is ready, want creamer and sugar?
- just ice please.
- ok.
She grabbed a glass filling it up with ice.
- I asked you, what's on the itinerary for today?
- fitting for the fashion show in Italy.
- what time?
- there is no rush, we have a few days before Changmin starts going crazy.
- (laugh out loud)
- that's why I'm trying to get ahead so he doesn't have an out of body experience.
- smart girl.
After breakfast he did the dishes while she dealt with the laundry, she put her clothes away and folded his leaving them on the bed.
- ah, sir your clothes are on the bed folded.
- thank you beautiful, I like the way we work together, we are a real couple.
- indeed we are, well boyfriend I'm going to shower.
- can I join you?
She freezes at his question.
- you should see your face beautiful, can't you take a joke?
He laughed shaking his head.
- sure come on, so the hot water is enough for both.
- don't play because I will follow you girl.
She turned and resumed her walk to the bathroom wanting to turn around and tell him yes, but she knew that would end up complicating things between them.
- Is taking all my strength to not follow her, she thinks for some reason that I would not, but a man can only take so much before giving into temptation, her ass will be my downfall.
He said forcing his feet to walk the opposite way.

They left the house hours later, they decided to walk to work, since the weather was beautiful.
- what a beautiful day!
He said lifting his arms to the sky, trying to stretch his muscles at the same time.
- it is, but we are heading to work.
- price you pay for playing adulthood.
She laughed.
- you say the weirdest things sir.
- did I make you laugh?
- yes...
- mission accomplished.
They made it to the agency, met Changmin at the entrance who didn't look too stressed out... yet.
After grabbing the second cup of coffee of the day they went to work.
- ready sir?
- for you? Always, you just have to order me around, I'll be your slave.
- you talk a lot of trash.
- oh I can do more than talk beautiful.

He said with a wink, which made her body heat up immediately.
- we have things to do Jungkook, no time to be playing around.
- we aren't in a rush or that's what you said in the house.
- I know what I said, but that doesn't mean that we are going to just play around.
- right you are, so what now?
- take your clothes off and start trying outfits on for me please.
She said pointing at the clothing rack that was already waiting for them.
- it doesn't matter which one first.
- no JK, any outfit you want.

He unbuttoning his shirt was the hottest shit that she had ever seen, her pussy was about to go haywire, because the only thing it wanted was his dick buried inside.

He unbuttoning his shirt was the hottest shit that she had ever seen, her pussy was about to go haywire, because the only thing it wanted was his dick buried inside

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- beautiful, you are looking at me like that again.
- like what? I don't know what are you talking about.
- you are looking at me like you want to pounce on me.
- you are dreaming sir.
- am I?
He asked walking closer to her, she stepped back instinctively, but he had reached for her hand stopping her.
- what are you doing?
- nothing Jungkook, you are the one who keeps playing around.
- I want to play beautiful, but I want to play with your cute little cunt.
The rawness of his word sent shivers down her spine.
- what's wrong with you?
- do you really want to know what's wrong with me?
- maybe I don't.
- you are the problem, you are what is wrong with me.
- me, why, what did I do?
- you are driving me crazy beautiful, do
you think that I'm made out of stone, that I can't feel?, I think you take advantage of the power you hold over me.

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