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- (sigh) ok, let's go them I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
He smiled hard.
- come on beautiful.
He motioned his hand for her to walk in front of him, at the same time he tried looking for his girlfriend amongst the people, so that way he could take them both home at the same time, but he didn't have any luck, he still felt bad but he knew that her manager was going to watch over her.

He requested a taxi for them, they were waiting at the entrance, y/n was barely holding on, this made him smile hard.
- come on closer before you fall face forward.
He said carefully bringing her closer by the hoop of her jeans.
She didn't fight him, y/n was exhausted from the rush of the day, so she moved closer to him, wanting nothing else but to feel his warmth, laying her head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around her waist keeping her up.
- my love.
He said letting his fingers squeeze her side tenderly.
The taxi pulled up in front of them, Jungkook helped her to get in first then followed her.
Once the cab pulled up in front of her building he paid, then got out quickly, before carefully getting her out, picking her up he made his way up the stairs.
- no elevator, unacceptable, I'm glad I work out the way I do to have big muscles.
He said grunting with every step.
- love, I need your house key.
He said.
- in my purse.
- can I look inside your purse?
- of course Jungkook, I trust you a lot.
She mumbled which made his heart smile.
- I'm glad you do.
He looked for the key quickly, finally opening the door, walking in to find her cat waiting in front of it.
- (smiled hard) you are a cute little thing.
He made it to y/n's room, and laid her on the bed, took her shoes off, after getting her settled on the bed, Jungkook walked out the bedroom, to find the little cat in the middle of the living room waiting.

He made it to y/n's room, and laid her on the bed, took her shoes off, after getting her settled on the bed, Jungkook walked out the bedroom, to find the little cat in the middle of the living room waiting

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- hey, you are such a pretty girl, just like your mama, have you eaten?
He wondered, going in the kitchen hunting for some cat food until he found a container within the laundry room.
- here you go beautiful.
He said pouring some food in the plate for her.
She dragged herself against his leg before going for the food.
- she likes you.
He was surprised by y/n's voice.
- I left you sleeping love.
- it's ok, I have to get out of all these clothes, I'm in shock because she usually hate any men that comes to this house.
- oh really, a lot of men come in this house?
- yes, don't you know that I'm very popular amongst the opposite sex.
- oh, is that so?
He couldn't help the sting of jealousy.
- why am I jealous? We aren't nothing but friends.
He said grinding his teeth.
- of course, the plumber, the repair man, the guy that reads the meter.
- oh, oh.

Y/n walked closer to Jungkook who was leaning against the counter.
- were you jealous by any chance sir?
- jealous? (Raspberries) never that, I don't get jealous beautiful.
- you don't?
She moved even closer, settling in between his spread legs.
- what are you up to madame?
He rose an eyebrow.
- nothing, I just want to take a closer look at you.

Y/n didn't know what possessed her in that moment but she brought her arms around his shoulders.
- y/n, I think it would be better if I left, you are still kind of tipsy, and you need to rest.
- I don't think I need rest, I think what I want is to have a taste of those sexy lips of yours.
- oh no, that's it.
He tried to get her to step back but she was too fast for him, her lips pressed against his.
- y/n?
His resilience was beginning to crumble, her warm body was pressed against his.
- god woman, what are you trying to do, drive me crazy, don't you know I go crazy every time you are close to me, every time you put your hands on me?

His hands moved to her waist maybe a little higher, wanting to push her back but fuck if it was getting harder to do so by the second.
The kiss was sloppy, slobbery, a drunk kiss, he was not enjoying it at all but he was enjoying the proximity of her body to his.
- please stop baby.
His hand did move, his male side won for a second, hand going for her ass groping it.
- god you have the most perfect ass baby.
He was beginning to lose control, so he pushed her away breaking the kiss.
- I love you, but we can't do this, you know why.
He said, her eyes were hooded, she was tipsy, really tipsy.
- come on let's get you back to bed.
He said picking her up then walked to the room, she was out when he laid her on the bed again, he sat on the edge of the mattress, pushing the loose hairs away from her face.
- don't do this to me love, my heart is already about to explode with all these emotions, why don't I feel like this when I'm with Amber?, that makes me feel like the worst man in the world.
He said still messing around with her hair.
- I have always loved you beautiful, I wish we hadn't lost touch but is too late for that now, it was my own damn fault, I took you for granted beautiful, just because you were there, now I regret being so lazy, too stupid to think that you were always going to be there when I turned around.
He finally forced himself to leave the room, when he walked back in the living he found pepper cuddled up on herself, but when she felt him coming she lifted her head to look.
- hey beautiful...
He said with a smile, he was as much in love with her cat as he was with her, sadness it hit him hard when he finally realized that.
- (loud breath) I don't know what to do pepper.
He said while scratching her head.
- I'm heading out before I lose my gentleman status, take care of her for me pepper, hmmm?

- I'm heading out before I lose my gentleman status, take care of her for me pepper, hmmm?

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She bumped her head against his hand, and he just melted at her cuteness.
- I'll see you later little one.
Jungkook forced himself to leave the apartment, the sloppy drunk kiss had begun to stir him up, specially when his sexual life was non existent apart his friend the hand, he wanted her under him while he poured his entire soul onto pleasuring her, into love y/n, but how could he do that when he was attached to someone else?
He made his way to his apartment, expecting to find Amber waiting for him on the couch to start an argument for not looking for her at the after party, but to his surprise she wasn't home.
- where is she?
He reached for his phone calling hers, but there was no response.

Then he sent a text to her phone.

- where are you Amber?, is pretty late, I didn't see you at the party, I looked for you everywhere.

There was no response so he texted her manager right away.
His response came right away.

- this is Hanbin, her manager...

Jungkook let out a growl at the answer.

- she was too drunk, so I got her a room at the hotel next door of the venue of the after party, I left her there so she could get some rest, I'll bring her home tomorrow morning.
Jungkook let out another growl, he wasn't jealous, but he felt disrespected.

- why didn't you bring her home? Is not like you don't know where we live.
He retorted back, feeling like an asshole for not looking for her harder at the party.
Now she was alone at a hotel room.

The answer came back a little later.

- she was passed out on the back room at the venue so I thought the best thing was for me to get her a room and let her rest instead on carrying her around all the way to my car and drive her home, what kind of impression will that leave in the people at the party, do you even care about her image?

Jungkook was about to lose his mind with the smart replies from her manager.

- you are right, I should have thought about that, thank you for keeping her safe.
He texted lastly but there was no answer after that.

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