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- do you want to go grab a bite to eat?
- is she waiting for you at home?
- no, she is at a her own photoshoot.
- alright then, let's go, my treat.
- I want a drink too.
- whatever you want, you worked hard for it
- sounds like a good time to me!
He said walking towards the door.
- come with?
He asked happily, ready to get drunk and have a good time.
They made it to a nice restaurant, it was y/n's favorite, Changmin had taken her for the first time when she joined his clothing line, she had fallen in love with it since then.
- where are we going beautiful?
- my favorite restaurant, you will love it.
- I can't wait, this weekend has been rough.
- we are going to Italy next weekend.
- woah, really?
- yes, don't say anything, because he is the one that's supposed to tell you not me.
- of course beautiful, I would never break your trust when you confide stuff like that to me.
- if you know how to keep a secret, then I know how to keep telling them to you.
They walked in the restaurant.
- good evening, how many?
- two please.
Y/n said.
- of course, this way please.
The hostess said walking towards their table so they followed.
- your server will be with you shortly.
- thank you.
Jungkook said while he open the chair for y/n to sit.
- Jungkook, I can fend for myself.
She said sitting down.
- woman, could you let a man be a gentleman?
He growled playfully, he walked to sit across from her, when he did, his eyes landed on something that he was expecting, his supposed girlfriend was walking out of the restaurant with her manager holding hands, her head was leaning on his shoulder.
Y/n noticed his eyes wide open staring at something.
- what's the matter Jungkook, what are you looking at?
She asked turning her head around, when she finally figured out what he was looking at, he was already making his way behind them.
- fuck, fuck, fuck...
She said following him right away.

He walked out of the restaurant behind the two, Hanbin leaned to kiss Amber on the lips.
- how fucking dare you?
He said out loud startling both of them.
- Jungkook, what are you doing here?

Her eyes almost popped out the sockets.
- how fucking dare you cheat on me, is this the kind of work you have been doing?
- I can explain...
- shut up, I don't want to hear shit from you, is that why you didn't answer my text last night because you two were together?
- no, I can explain...
- stop lying to him Amber, just tell him so he stop being stupid.
- stupid, you are a...
- please don't...
Y/n's voice brought him out of the rage he was in.
- your image, it will be ruined, she is not worth it.
- shut up bitch, you are the reason why...
- no you shut up, watch how you talk to her, you have no right to talk to her like that.
He said feeling the anger growing with every breath he took.
- we are done, I'm going to pick up my shit from where we are staying at, you can stay at the fucking apartment by yourself, wish you the best with the man you chose, lose my number, I don't want to hear you or see you again.
He turned around looking at y/n.
- I'm sorry beautiful, but I lost my appetite.
- let's go.
Y/n said reaching for his hand this time dragging him away from there quickly.
- I knew it love, I knew that she was cheating on me.
- I knew it too...
He stop his tracks at her words.
- how?
- I saw them Friday at the after party, they were in the back making out, he was groping her ass while his face was buried on her neck.
- and you didn't tell me anything?
His voice was so low it was almost a whisper.
- I didn't want you to get hurt.
- you are supposed to be my best friend.
- I was trying to protect you.
- by letting me live a lie, what kind of protection is that? I trusted you.
- please don't... I know I should have told you, but I was scared to do so.
- forget it, I'm going to get my shit.
- wait, I'm sorry...
But he was gone.
- oh fuck, this shit just went down to hell.
She said, eyes tearing up.
- I'm worst than her.
She said while making her way down the street, she dared to look back, Amber was still standing there with her manager, she seemed to be in shock.
- she deserves every bit of his lashing out, and I do to because I'm no better.

Y/n finally made it home, dragged herself across the house, feeling her shattered heart ached.
- he has only showing me love and kindness since we saw each other again after ten years and I just stepped on our friendship.
She mustered enough strength to feed the cat and give her clean water before she walked in her room.
Y/n tried to wash her shame in the shower but it didn't matter how hard she scrubbed, the shame didn't lessen.

After finally forcing herself out of the shower she walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge looking for some alcohol, but there was nothing, she was barely home now a days so there wasn't any reason to have it, she would drink out whenever she went out with the people from work.

- I should have brought something before coming home.
She heard someone at the door.
- who could it be this late?

She opened the door...

- hey beautiful, can I come in?I don't have nowhere else to go, and I don't want to be in a hotel alone and

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- hey beautiful, can I come in?
I don't have nowhere else to go, and I don't want to be in a hotel alone and...

His words got cut off from how hard she threw herself in his arms, hugging him tight, close to her.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I know I'm worst than her for not telling you...
He wrapped his arm around her waist before walking inside with her in arms.
Jungkook smiled, she kept apologizing.

- shhh, you will never be worst than her, never, you are the most precious thing in my life.
He held her, for how long? He didn't know, but he stood there holding her until she made the first move.
Y/n finally pulled back, he had been crying hard, his nose was red and his eyes were puffy, she had cause his tears too, along with his ex.

- Jungkook, I don't deserve to be called a friend by you, I betrayed you, I hurt you, I...
- I love you...
He whispered, while nuzzling his face against her neck, arm still wrapped around her waist.
- can I stay here tonight? I'll find somewhere to go tomorrow.
- you can stay here as long as you want.

She held him too, her arms were wrapped around his shoulders squeezing her tight against her body.
- I didn't tell you because, I was afraid you would not believe me.
- why would you think that beautiful? You are one of the people I trust the most in my life.
- I know, I'm sorry for betraying your trust.
- I understand why you did it, I already knew it too, I don't know why I was second guessing myself, why I was trying to hold onto something that wasn't there, we had never been intimate, she doesn't even want me to call her by anything other than her name, she was trying to accuse me of cheating on her when it was her the one that was cheating all along.
He said finally pulling back from the hug.
- can I wash up please? I feel disgusting, I just want to get out of all these clothes and have a drink with you.
He said lifting the bag with alcohol.
- of course, come with me.
He nodded placing the bag in the kitchen before walking through the living room.
- hi there friend.
He said to pepper who was standing on his path staring at him.
- did you miss me?
- (meow)
He laughed loudly.
- I'll take that as a yes.
He scratched her head before walking to the room.
- here is a clean towel, do you have toothbrush and toothpaste?
- I do, I do need soap.
- you can use mine, is just neutral soap, be thankful that I let you use it.

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