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Ezra turned to go, however, he had one last thing to ask, he wanted to be sure that I understood the conditions. "You know that you have to stay quiet while we are hunting right? You can't say anything or make any unnecessary noises."

I nodded.

Ezra was feeling more at ease now, he was now convinced that I understood the conditions and that I would obey. Ezra smiled in satisfaction. "Alright, just remember that," Ezra spoke softly, he was still pretty serious about the conditions he established.

I was now outside with Ezra and his partners, I was walking behind them as we were hunting. Ezra was walking at the very front of the line, he was the lead hunter. Ezra and his partners were slowly making their way through the woods as they carefully searched for any alien stones. Ezra was constantly scanning the trees and bushes for the slightest movement or sound, he was not taking his eyes off anything. The rest of the partners were doing exactly what Ezra was doing.

Suddenly one of the partners said they saw an alien stone. The partner pointed in the direction of the alien stone. Ezra and the rest of the partners all quickly turned their heads towards the direction of the alien stone. They started to walk in the direction of the alien stone that the partner had seen. Ezra led the way as they all slowly walked through the woods.

Ezra and his partners had now arrived at the exact location where the partner had spotted the alien stone. Ezra was the first one in the group to reach the location. Ezra started to examine the area as the rest of the partners started to arrive at the same spot with you behind them. Ezra kneeled down to look at the alien stone, he took a few moments to observe it. Ezra then turned to look at everyone else, he had a serious expression as he spoke.

Ezra carefully and thoroughly observed the alien stone for a few moments. "This one's pretty small. And it looks like it's going to be pretty easy to dig up." Ezra spoke as he kept a watch on the alien stone. He then turned to look at one of his partners.

"Hand me the shovel." The partner handed him the shovel and Ezra grabbed it.

Ezra then got down to work. He was going to try and dig up the alien stone. Ezra started using the shovel to dig inside the ground and to remove all the soil and dirt that was surrounding the alien stone. Ezra was being pretty careful as he dug up the hole around the alien stone. He did this because if he accidentally hit the alien stone directly with the shovel, he could end up damaging it. Ezra took his time with this process.

After Ezra had managed to expose the entire alien stone, he now had to start removing the last bit of soil and dirt that was keeping the alien stone in place and from falling out. Ezra then quickly removed the remaining soil and dirt and pulled the alien stone out, he held it up. Ezra spoke with a tone of satisfaction.

I came closer to Ezra wanting to see the Alien stone as his partners pushed me back onto the ground.

Ezra glanced back in my direction as he held the stone up. He immediately noticed that his partners were pushing me back on the ground. Ezra quickly spoke up and said. "Hey, ease up on her, would you? She's being curious and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I said she can join us on the hunt, so let her see the stone."

His partners then loosened their grip on me, but they still kept me from going too close to the stone. Ezra continued to look at the stone himself as he spoke. "See, she's just interested. It's not like she's doing anything wrong."

I looked at the stone from far away.

Ezra noticed that I was still looking at the stone from far away. Ezra spoke softly as he looked at the stone. "You want to come a little bit closer? I'll make sure that my partners don't push you any further back."

I nodded slowly but a little bit scared.

Ezra waved his hand to indicate to his partners that they could loosen their grip on me more and stop pushing me back. His partners eventually began to listen to him and they started moving their hands back, they eventually managed to fully release me. Ezra gave his partners a slight smile as he quickly turned his attention back towards me.

Ezra was monitoring me closely as I began to walk towards him. Ezra smiled as he saw me coming towards him. Ezra continued to hold the stone with a gentle grip, he was still observing it and looking at it closely. Ezra was now feeling at ease with the fact that I was coming closer to him.

Another one of Ezra's partners spoke up from the back. "Just make sure she doesn't ruin the stone or do something stupid. We can't risk damaging it."

I turned to the partner before I spoke to them for the first time. "I am not stupid..."

Ezra smirked quietly as he heard me speak. He still had a pretty serious face, but he found my response amusing. "Relax buddy, what do you think would happen if she gets closer?" Ezra spoke with a slightly sarcastic tone, he was not serious. Ezra then spoke to me. "Are you gonna do something stupid to the stone?"

I then stayed quiet as I stood away from the stone thinking I wasn't trusted.

Ezra was able to pick up on my body language and he noticed that I was starting to feel unwelcome and like I wasn't trusted. Ezra quickly spoke up, he did not like the fact that his partners made me feel this way. Ezra had trusted me from the beginning, but even then he didn't blame his partners for their concerns. The partners were just being protective and they wanted to ensure that the stones were not damaged while I wasnear. Ezra continued speaking to me. "Come a little bit closer. I'll make sure nothing happens to the stone."

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