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The man screamed as my pocket knife sunk into his arm and made the man release his grip on me. Ezra's face was one of surprise and he saw how the knife was now buried into the man's arm and how he started to bleed. Ezra quickly shifted his gaze towards me as he was now a little bit taken aback by what I had done.

"You had a pocket knife?" Ezra asked quietly as he looked at the blade that was now stuck in the man's arm. He kept his gaze locked on it as well as looking at the man, he remained surprised at first as he couldn't believe that I had a pocket knife on me. He was surprised not in a bad way, but rather in a 'that was clever' kind of way.

Ezra saw me hiding the knife away. The look on his face was still a bit surprised, but he now shifted it to a more relieved one. Ezra's gaze was a bit relieved as he saw me hiding the pocket knife instead of leaving it out for my safety. Ezra then shifted his gaze back to the man, who was clearly in extreme pain from my pocket knife. Ezra kept his gaze on both me and the man for a few seconds until he finally gave me a soft and supportive smile.

Once Ezra finished smiling at me, he shifted his attention back to the man. He kept his gaze on the man and his expression was one of anger and concern. The man was still in extreme pain due to the pocket knife that was buried into his arm, he was still screaming in agony. Ezra had a concerned look on his face, but also a sense of anger as well. Ezra still had his arms wrapped around me tightly. Ezra now shifted his gaze towards the man's arm as he noticed that the pain was getting too much.

Ezra was now starting to see the pain that the man was in starting to get to him. He was also beginning to feel more and more anger by the second towards the man who had assaulted me. Ezra was still holding me tightly as he could sense my fear. Ezra was just trying to hold back the anger until everything had passed over.

"The pain is getting to you, we need to take the knife out," Ezra said his tone was still stern and he had a slight hint of anger within it as well. He shifted his gaze back to me as he remained behind me so he kept protecting me and keeping his arms tightly wrapped around me.

Ezra was still focused on the man who was in agony, however, his attention quickly shifted back to me shortly after. Ezra quickly got a sense of confusion as he noticed that I had suddenly run off. Ezra immediately turned his head around and he tried to find where I was. His gaze quickly locked onto me as he began to move after me as fast as he possibly could.

"Hey, wait." *Ezra quickly chased after me as he quickly caught up to me and he started to try and grab me by the arm. "Where are you going? Don't run off." Ezra said his tone still a little bit stern as he tried to pull me in his direction.

Ezra's grip on me was strong as he pulled me back to him. Ezra had a somewhat concerned look on his face as he held on to me and kept me close to him. Ezra was not angry or upset with me at all, he was just concerned for my safety. Being so far out in the wilderness, Ezra did not feel like he could risk me running off on my own. Ezra continued to hold onto me and keep me close to him.

I cuddled into him. "I was scared, I didn't mean to hurt him..."

Ezra's expression immediately became more comforting and he held me even closer to himself as I cuddled into him. Ezra kept his arms tightly wrapped around me and he continued to hold me for a while. Ezra stayed silent for a short bit as he stayed focused on me and kept me close to him. Ezra eventually responded to me, his voice was much more reassuring now. "I know, I know. It's alright, I understand. You were just scared."

Ezra kept his arms wrapped around me tightly as he kept me close to himself. He continued to keep silent for a brief moment before speaking up again, his tone was still one of comfort and it wasn't as stern as before. "You don't need to worry, I'm here now. I won't let anything happen to you. We just have to be careful out here, it's not safe."

Ezra remained silent for a short moment as he held me. He took a few moments to compose himself as well and he kept his tone of comfort and reassurance consistent. Ezra had calmed down a lot by this point and he had shifted his focus back onto me. "I know you were scared and I know that you didn't mean to hurt him, but I do want to tell you that you don't need to apologize for doing that. It was fine. You did what you had to do to get away from the situation."

"You aren't mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you, you were just defending yourself. That's all you were doing." Ezra responded once again. Ezra's tone of voice had a clear sense of reassurance now, with no hint of anger in it whatsoever. Ezra kept his gaze on me as he continued to hold me close to him.

"Besides, I feel as though I have more of a reason to be upset with him. The fact that he attempted to assault you." Ezra now said. Ezra kept his arms around me and he kept close to me.

"So I'll say it one more time: don't apologize, and I'm not mad at you. Alright?" Ezra quickly added to his response, that he wanted me to stop feeling bad regarding this whole situation. Ezra wanted me to understand that I had done the right thing rather than the wrong one.

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