● 002

586 12 5

Right there...


Thanks for leading me here, machop.

The Black hair male student thanked the machop to lead him to where the luggage was.

[{02● Arrival}]

???: "Anyways, I should hop on the bus right now."

Later, the male student came inside the bus along with the machops. When the moment he sits, the bus begins to move.

He chooses to sit close to the window to see the outside, beside him a seat that is empty. He leaned away his head at the window to check if somebody had kept an eye on him, as the result is cleared.

???: 'You can come out, rotom.'

He whispers. As a red colour dash out underneath his uniform. It floats near to his face.

Rotom phone: 'How may I serve you today, Master Y/N?'

To communicate with each other without having a ruckus on the bus, rotom phone shows him a letter on its screen.

Y/N: "Play a video as I also do, rotom. That one video about the battle between Kalos champion and the Alola champion." He whispers.

Rotom phone: "Understood."

Rotom phone: "Loading... loading...

It is about to begin."

It replaces itself on the hand of the male student. The male student lows its volume, so he can enjoy watching the video only to himself.

He raised it a little at the front of his head and placed his other hand under his chin in a relaxed manner.

He skipped the video to the end of it: The Climax.

The Alola champion sent his partner Pikachu, and the Kalos Champion is too. It is a clash between the trusty partners of the two Atlas.

The Alola champion commands his partner to take the first blood by using a quick attack.

The Kalos champion takes that challenge by sending his partner to the opposing pokemon of Alola Champion by using
Dragon claw head on.

Both of them clashed their moves together, creating a wave throughout the Arena.

As a light shines through the bus again, the male student changes his attention to the window.

Many pokemons are inhabiting through the place, in water, the land, anywhere.

Most of the students wherein the bus gasps in suprise.

In Y/N's mind, he knows already what Region does the pokemons here are -

Y/N: "Tauros..." He caught a sight of a buffalo pokemon. "Butterfree..." He caught another pokemon, but it is different. This time, it is a butterfly.

Y/N: "... So we are at the Kanto Region, huh?"

A few minutes later...

Y/N is within the building. Continue to find where he'll live.

It is really hard to adapt where you start a beginner or a new to a new place you aren't familiar with.

Y/N: " ...here it is. Room 420, at last I found it."

He sighed in exhaustion, relieving that he finally found it after reading some signs and understood them all.

He compost himself properly, breathe in, and his eyes start to glim in courage.

He grabbed the doornob and opened the door.

???: "Oh, hello there. Welcome aboard. I hope we can have a good relationship with each other as a roommate."

Unexpectedly, he was greeted by a pale green hair female student.


A/N: Thanks goodness, I can have another peaceful time again.

Stay tuned again for more chapters to come.

A/N: I like burritos. Taste like Spanish.

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