06 • Goodbye (Farwell) Liko ([Y/N])

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Inside the barrier, the two student simultaneously open their eyes and gasp in awe what they have seen.

A pokemon that resembles the student girl's pendant. Open its eyes, too. Once the pokemon have seen enough at the two, the barrier breaks, and it returns back into a pendant.

Liko quickly grabbed her pendant and sighed in relief. Then, soon, the student slowly looked down on how they were going to fall. And it was.

(Looney toon fall Insert. Use your imagination, people!)


Meanwhile, to Y/N, who was unhugged Liko when they began to fall.

Y/N: "Ahhhhh!!!"

Y/N: 'So this what falling feels like.' His voice echoes through his own mind.

When they about to hit the ground, the Charizard from before, save Liko and her pokemon who's on her hands, hugging it tightly, while Y/N and his shiny charmander are at front of the guy who fought Amethio and his pokemon, Ceruledge.

Liko: "Wait- I'm alive?!"

Owner of Charizard: "That was so reckless of you two did."

Liko frowned a little, feeling guilty on inviting her classmate to this mess, and just that, he almost got hurt by a stray pokemon move.

Owner of Charizard: "But... I'll admit it." He lean his goggles to his hair. "I liked the spirit of you two." He encouraged.

Thanks to his speech, Liko's guilt fade, only meet the face of her pokemon: Weed cat pokemon, Sprigatito.

Once the moment, the clock tower begins to ring, informing that it is now midnight, Liko gasps a little in panic.

Liko: "...Y/N?! Where is he-!"

Owner of Charizard: "Whoa! Calm down, your friend here is fine."

The guy pat the shoulder of a sleeping Y/N, the only one is awake is his Charmander. His Charmander cries to let his female classmate know that his classmate is fine and also to himself (Charmander).

Liko began to calm down and sighs in exhaustion.

Liko: "Thank goodness he's fine..." She mutter under her breath. Next, she hug her own pokemon to comfort for herself.

Meanwhile in Y/N's dream

Y/N groan a little and starting to rose from the ground.

Y/N: "..."

Y/N: "..."

Y/N: "...?!"

His eyes open fully in suprise.

Y/N: "..where- where am I?"

Suddenly, a man bumped into him.

Man: "Hey watch where you going kid!"

Y/N: "I'm so sorry."

As the man continue to walk to the direction he's heading.

To not getting bump again by someone Y/N immediately dash toward a near alleyway to stay there for a minute.

Y/N: "What is going on right now before I am falling to the ground with Liko and now i ended up here...."

He turn around as he lean his head to examine the place. The place is now is a busy-loud market distract. But the look of it, it seems old.

Y/N: "Huh... at this place i feel like I'm in a movie."

Y/N: "Do you agree, Charmander?"


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