Chapter Two

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"I had this memory game when I was a kid. A bunch of cards, face down, in rows. Each card has a picture. You turn one over, look at it, then you turn it back over. Then you have to try and remember where its matching card was. Sometimes you have no idea. And other times it shows us exactly what we need to see. The cards seem completely out of order and random. But you keep turning them over... and the more cards you see, you get a sense of how everything fits together. This is a place where horrible things happen. You were right to go. You're probably escaping disaster. Look at me. I practically grew up here, and you're right, it's hurt me in ways I'll probably never get over. I have a lot of memories of people. People I've lost forever. But I have a lot of other memories too. This is the place where I fell in love. The place where I found my family. This is where I learned to be a doctor. Where I learned how to take responsibility for someone else's life. And it's the place I met you. So I figure this place has given me as much as it's taken from me. I've lived here as much as I've survived here. It just depends on how I look at it. I'm gonna choose to look at it that way, and remember you that way. Hope you're good. Bye"

"do you remember those special times? they'll just go on and on in the back in my mind"

Meredith, Derek, Cristina, Beck, Mark and Arizona were sedated in the back of a plane, while being watched by Richard and Bailey. Kelly and Lexie's bodies were in body bags on the plane.

Meredith, Alex, Lucy, Aurora and April were eating lunch in Cristina and Beck's shared hospital room. "Blowing off Harvard. Wow", Alex commented to Meredith. "You're blowing off Hopkins. Wow", she retorted.

"No, I'm postponing Hopkins till Robbins is better. Avery did the same for Sloan"

"And I stayed", April added.

"And you stayed because you have no place else to go. Wake me up in ten for Chunky Stu"

"You just ate", Lucy pointed out.

"Stuart. Short-bowel syndrome kid. I'm doing an intestinal transplant. He puked on me the first time we met, so I call him "Chunky Stu". Arizona hated it, but Stuart thinks it's hilarious"

"How is Arizona's infection? Is it getting any better?" Aurora asked him.

"Don't know. I haven't seen her"

"What do you mean? You're running her service", Meredith said.

"You really think she wants to talk to me? I mean, what am I supposed to say to her? Hey, remember the time that I quit and you got pissed and took my seat on a plane that crashed, and now you're trading in your wheelie sneaks for a peg leg? Sorry. My bad"

"How are we doing here?" Jackson said, entering the room. "Hey, Jackson, you're talking to Sloan, right?" Meredith inquired. "Keeping him updated".

"Yeah. Not about work stuff, though. He doesn't need that kind of pressure right now"

"What is wrong with you two?"

"I just said that..."

"No, I'm just saying, they're fine. They're gonna be fine. Arizona's not gonna lose her leg, and Sloan is coming back. They're coming back. So let's act like it. They're gonna be fine. We're all going to be fine"

They all looked at Cristina and Beck, who weren't responding to anything. "How long are we saying that this is okay?" Alex questioned. "As long as they need", Meredith replied. "I, for one, find it refreshing", April said. "They say, if you don't have something nice to say... They never have anything nice to say. Come on. I'm wide open. Just hit me". Nothing.

Meredith watched as two workmen took away the broken window of Cristina and Beck's room. "I said no more damn restraints!" Owen yelled. "Look, they are both clearly dangers to themselves and others. They don't even belong on this floor or in the same room", a doctor argued. "They are violent, uncommunicative, and I'm worried...". "Oh, they communicated. They just haven't talked yet", Bailey interjected.

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