Chapter One

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"Dying changes everything. There is the emotional fallout, sure. But there's also the practical stuff. Who's going to do your job? Who's going to take care of your family? The only good thing for you is you don't have to worry about it. People you never knew will be living in your house, working your job. The world just keeps on going. Without you. They say death is hardest on the living. It's tough to actually say goodbye. Sometimes it's impossible. You never really stop feeling the loss. It's what makes things so bittersweet. We leave little bits of ourselves behind, little reminders. A lifetime of memories, photos, trinkets. Things to remember us by, even when we're gone"

"now i've just got to cut loose before it gets late"

Aurora walked into Mark's room to see Callie sitting by his side, talking to him. "Hey", she greeted softly.

"Hey, you okay?"

"No, not really. I've been trying to distract myself with work but I'm losing my mind. I had to see him before it happens. It doesn't feel real"

"I know"

"I thought I might find you in here", Derek said, walking in and giving Aurora a hug.

"I keep thinking if I say something big enough. Or... Shocking enough, he'll just, he'll open his eyes. Seven hours till 5 o'clock"

"His directions were very specific. If, after 30 days, there are no signs of recovery, Mark wanted to be let go. That's all we're doing... Honouring his wish"

"I know. I just..."

She leaned forward, making her face level with Mark's. "Oh, God. It's so hot in here", she whispered sensually. "I think I'm gonna take off my shirt. Yeah, that's better. Yeah, it's so much cooler with my boobs out". "Well, if that didn't wake him, I don't know what will", Derek commented.


Callie left the room and Aurora laid her head on Mark's. "I love you, you big idiot", she whispered.

Lucy was packing her suitcase at Meredith's house while Mia slept in her crib a few inches away. Her cell phone and she quickly picked it up, hoping it wouldn't wake the baby. "Hey, Mer, what's up?" she greeted, looking over the crib to make sure she was still sleeping.

"I was just talking to Cristina. She said she had to push her flight"


"She said it was because of a surgery being pushed back and that she's on standby for a later one"

"You don't think she's gonna get on the plane, do you?"

"No, probably not but you're coming, right?"

"Yeah, we're catching a flight straight after so..."

"You have to go so soon?"

"Afraid so, Alex has delayed Hopkins long enough. It's time"

"Yeah, I guess so"

Meredith, Alex, Jackson, Beck and Aurora were having lunch. "You really doing the intern appy?" Alex asked Meredith. "Jealous?" she asked.

"Yeah, right. I heard all the interns are super into me, by the way"

"From who?"


"So, are you gonna say goodbye to your fan club before you leave?" Aurora teased.

"Maybe Avery can step up"

"No, thank you", Jackson said.

"You're a surgical fellow. Might as well enjoy the perks. Besides, you need to get laid. You haven't banged anybody since you and Jacobs were hooking up"

You're Losing Me-Grey's Anatomy AU Book NineWhere stories live. Discover now