Chapter Nine

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"The adrenal system reacts to stress by releasing hormones that make us alert and reactive. The problem is, the adrenal system can't tell what's a regular case of nerves, and what's a real impending disaster. The body doesn't know the difference between nerves and excitement, panic and doubt, the beginning and the end. The body just tells you to get the hell out. Sometimes you ignore it... That's the reasonable thing to do. But sometimes you listen; you're supposed to trust your gut. Right? When your body says run... Run!"

"every time you give yourself away, it comes back to haunt you"

Alex, Aurora and Jo were in a patient's room, examining him. "Yo, Lefkowitz", Alex greeted him. "Did you bring it?" the boy asked. Alex handed him the device. "That's the whole thing?", the father said.

"Yep. Sloan?"

"Lefkowitz has gastroparesis so he can't digest his food", Aurora explained. "He was on an epic puker for a long time, and now he can't really eat at all. So we're gonna give you a gastric neurostimulator. This thing, it's gonna zap your stomach so it remembers to push the food down your system. Get you back on burgers and fries". "That's amazing", his mother commented. "Yeah, well, the guys at the airport x-ray are gonna go nuts", Alex said. "That's sick", Lefkowitz said.

"And this is Dr Wilson who is also gonna be operating with us. You've got a crack team, Iron Man"

Bailey found Callie and Lucy at the nurses station. "Hey", she greeted them. Callie started singing the wedding march.


She continued and Lucy joined in.

Bailey started to walk away.

"Alright, alright, alright. We'll stop. We'll stop. Jeez"

"When you two and Arizona get to the wedding tomorrow... Don't sit down"

"What do you mean, don't sit down?" Lucy questioned.

"Just find a place and stand there"

"You want us to stand in the back? We won't be able to hear anything", Callie pointed out.

"Stand in the damn front"

"And block everybody's view? I mean, if we're... I don't..."

"Just pick a spot. You know, it's not complicated. You know, people allow you to open them up with a knife. If they knew you couldn't follow a simple instruction, they would run like the wind from this place"

"Are you... Are you trying to say, "Would you do me the honour of being my bridesmaids?"

"Does the whole thing have to be about you? Just put on a dress and don't sit down"

"We're bridesmaids"

"Oh, don't even..."

Callie hugged her and pulled Lucy in.

"This is what I was trying to avoid"

Lucy was explaining to Liz how they were planning to operate. "Now once Dr Avery removes the sural nerve from your leg, Dr Torres and I will graft it on to Derek's median nerve", Lucy explained. "You'll likely experience some discomfort in your leg for a few weeks...". "Months. Months. And when she says "discomfort", it's gonna hurt like hell", Derek interjected. "Well, you're a bag of sunshine, aren't you?" Liz retorted.

"I don't want to hear six months from now that you can't move and that the ibuprofen hurts your stomach"

"He makes me sound like I'm a 90-year-old man. Have you noticed that?"

"Because I've heard for decades how I ruined your life..."

"Because you did"

"And that Mom doesn't love you"

You're Losing Me-Grey's Anatomy AU Book NineWhere stories live. Discover now