Chapter Ten

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"In order to properly treat a problem, a surgeon needs as much information as she can get. So we ask questions. Questions like, "When did the pain begin? Have you experienced these symptoms before? Do you have a family history? Are you currently sexually active? Have you recently undergone surgery?" If you're unwilling or unable to answer these and other questions, we're forced to rely on tests for insight. Until those test results come back, there's nothing we can do but wait. The next time you're in your doctor's office, remember- she's not asking all those questions for her health. She's asking them for yours. Tell her everything. The small details aren't trivial. They actually make the story. There's no rush. Take all the time you need. Start at the beginning"

"you say you will love me if i have to go"

Everyone was waiting at Bailey's wedding. "Wasn't this stupid thing supposed to start already?" Alex asked, checking his watch.

Aurora and Owen were kissing. She undid his tie, unbuttoning his shirt. He laid on the couch and she got on top of him.

"It's possible that I may have made a mistake, said that if she had any doubts, she should flee", Callie said to the other bridesmaids. "What?" Lucy questioned.

"She was nervous"

"How nervous?" Ben said from the doorway. "How nervous was she, Callie?"

Aurora and Owen were lying naked on the couch in the lounge together. "What does this mean?" she asked him.

"I don't know. The lawsuit is..."

"Maybe... Maybe we'll be fine. Maybe we can..."

"Look, just, could we not talk about that? Not right now"

She nodded and he kissed her, placing his hand on her cheek. They stopped as his pager went off and sighed.

Ben stepped up in front of the guests. "Could I have everyone's attention, please?" he asked. "My beautiful wife-to-be has been pulled into an emergency surgery, so things are gonna be delayed for a little while. Those of you who are doctors will understand. And those who aren't... Well, they're setting up the buffet, the bar's open in the back. Drink, eat, and just as soon as we're able, we'll have a little wedding".

"That poor handsome fool", Callie commented. "Bailey's probably hopped a boxcar to Mexico by now. I am the worst maid of honour ever". "Who made you maid of honour?" Lucy asked.

"I called it. And then I tanked it. I'm gonna go to the hospital"

"Right now?"

"I'll go", Meredith offered. "I'm the general surgeon. Maybe I can tag her out of surgery. Put this in water till I get back". "You really told Bailey to run?" Arizona questioned Callie once Meredith had left. "I didn't say she should run. I said she could run", Callie explained. "And I was joking. I was... Funny... Funny me. No? Okay. Who needs a drink?"

Aurora and Owen were in the ambulance bay. "I can stay", she offered.

"We'll be fine. You should go"

"I don't really feel like going to a wedding if I'm gonna be signing divorce papers"

Suddenly, a whole crew of motorbike riders followed by the ambulance arrived. "Wow", she commented. One of them stopped in front of them. "I don't know what happened. I heard a crash, checked my rearview", he explained. "Half the club is eating asphalt, banging around like tenpins. I mean, it's real, real nasty". "Bowling for bikers?" Aurora questioned. "Maybe you should stick around", Owen suggested.


Aurora and Heather were putting a chest tube in a wounded biker. "I've always wanted to try riding a motorcycle", Aurora stated. "Really? Why don't you?" Heather asked as the biker groaned in pain.

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