Chapter Seven

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"Can two people really be meant to be? M.F.E.O. Soulmates. It would be nice if it's true. That we all have someone out there waiting for us. Us waiting for them. I'm just not sure I believe it. Maybe I do believe it, all this "meant to be" stuff. Why not believe it, really? Who doesn't want more romance in their life? Maybe it's just up to us to make it happen. To show up and be meant for each other. At least that way you'll find out for sure. If you're meant to be or not"

"there's something that drives me wild"

All the attendings were in a meeting. "I have one last thing to say", Owen said. "Some of you may run into Arizona Robbins today. It's her first day back". Everyone clapped.

"So if you see her, just make her feel welcome"

"Or maybe... Maybe just don't make a big deal at all", Callie suggested. "It might be better".

"Noted. Thank you. Hold on. I just want to address one more thing. Most of you are aware that a group of our doctors have filed a lawsuit against our hospital. Some of you may be wondering what this all means and how it's gonna affect our staff. I'd like to be clear. It doesn't... At all. Let's just let the lawyers worry about that. That's their job. Our job is to continue to work together and support each other in giving the great standard of care that we have always given. Let's not let something like this get in the way of that. Thank you"

All the attendings left the room and Aurora, who had been waiting outside the door, entered and approached Owen. "How did the meeting go? Good?" she asked.

"It was okay". He looked down and looked back up to see that she was still standing there. "Anything else?"

"Yeah. The fire house. I'm not staying there anymore. I'm staying with Beck. So I was wondering what we should do. I mean, if we should sell it or... I wondered what you wanted to do"

"You should do what you like. It's your house"

Callie approached Alex and Aurora at the nurses station. "Red eagle has landed", she said. "What?" they replied in unison.

"Arizona just got here. I had an intern wait at the entrance and then text me when they saw her. I also put the weirdo over there on wheelchair duty. Now listen, she'll be tired and in pain but she won't ask for it unless she sees it's close by. Just don't shove it in her face. She hates that"

"You know what I hate? That you won't stop talking", Alex retorted.

"Well, then you two will get along just fine today. Red eagle. Red eagle. Don't... Don't... Don't look up. Don't look up. Keep reading, yeah"

Arizona came over, walking with a cane and stood next to them. "Hi", she greeted. "Robbins", Alex said. "Hey. Good. You're here", Callie said. "Well, I gotta run. Derek's all, "Fix my hand. No rest till I'm healed". They chuckled awkwardly and Callie kissed her and walked off. "We got a big schedule", Alex informed her. "There was a 9-year-old that came in last night with abdominal pain, a 6-year-old with Wilms' tumour, there's a 10-year-old that needs a kidney transplant. You know, he's a really cool kid. You're gonna like him".

Beck was charting at the nurses station. "What's the date today?" Beck asked a nurse, looking up from her chart.

"Um, the 10th"

"Okay, thanks. Wait, the 10th?"


"Are you sure?"



She rushed off.

She bumped into Meredith, Lucy and Cristina in the hallway. "Hey, have you seen Jackson? He's not answering my texts", she said. "Why, you looking for some Jackson action?" Cristina teased.

You're Losing Me-Grey's Anatomy AU Book NineWhere stories live. Discover now