Chapter Eleven

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"The big day is here. The day you're gonna hear the news, the test result. Is the biopsy malignant or benign? Am I gonna live or die? You just want to know, even if the news is scary, because then you can move on. Whatever that means. They say ignorance is bliss because once you know about the tumour or the prognosis, you can't go back. Will you be strong or will you fall apart? It's hard to predict, so don't worry about it. Enjoy the time you have before the news comes. Yep, ignorance is bliss"

"for we are all that is left"

Owen entered the kitchen where Beck was eating cereal. "Hey", he greeted awkwardly.


"I'm just gonna make some coffee"

"Cool, you do that"



He entered Aurora's bedroom with two cups of coffee. "What did she say?" she asked him as he sat next to her.



"She still hates me"

"She doesn't hate you"

"You don't have to lie. I can take it"

"Okay, she hates you"

"Yeah, that's what I thought"

"Are you kidding me?!" Lucy exclaimed, looking for a glass in the kitchen. Alex stood a few feet away, eating cereal out of the box.

"We have no glasses?! We can't exactly drink out of Mia's bottles"

"Why not?"

"Alex, I swear to God"

"What? I'm kidding"

"Alex, this place is a mess. We have no glasses, we don't have a couch, I have a blinding headache because I didn't get any sleep last night. I am begging you to fix this or I will kill you with my bare hands"

"Look, if you're thirsty, you can just stick your head under the faucet"

"Okay. I'm gonna go to the hospital where there's food and paper cups, before I break something"

Alex, Lucy and Cristina were in the lounge. "So, I heard you two fighting over glasses and couches this morning", Cristina stated. "We weren't fighting", Alex replied. "Yes, we were", Lucy argued. "Listen, once Alex decides to buy glasses and a couch, I will stop screaming at him at 8 o'clock in the morning and you can get your beauty sleep. Sound good?" "Amazing", Cristina said flatly. "Dr Webber rejected my mother's cookies", Jackson said, entering the lounge and putting the tin of cookies on the table. "That sounds dirty", Alex commented.

"She's worried about him. She wants me to assess his mood. She thinks he's depressed"

"Well, his wife died a month ago. Isn't he supposed to be depressed?" Lucy pointed out.

"Of course, but, like, normal depressed or too depressed?"

"I mean, he's fine. He's back at work", Cristina said.

"Nah, but he's not operating"

"Maybe you should hold him", Alex suggested.

"And I'm done. Enjoy the cookies"

"Thanks", Lucy said.

Derek met Callie and Lucy in a conference room, where they were putting a ping-pong net onto the table. "Hey", Lucy greeted him. "Hey", he replied. "So I think our big mistake last time was, we tried to get you back too fast", Callie said. "So this time, baby steps".

You're Losing Me-Grey's Anatomy AU Book NineWhere stories live. Discover now