Chapter Six

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"Doctors have never had all the answers. There was a time when you were sick, we'd just drain your blood like you were getting an oil change. We're constantly having to rethink what we thought was true and redefine it. It can be scary to find out you've been wrong about something but we can't be afraid to change our minds, to accept that things are different, that they'll never be the same, for better or for worse. We have to be willing to give up what we used to believe. The more we're willing to accept what is and not what we thought, we'll find ourselves exactly where we belong"

"but will you just walk away this time?"

Callie and Lucy entered the hospital together. "I can't believe we had to cancel all those knee replacements", Callie said. "I'm so sorry. Couldn't reschedule the meeting".

"No, I totally get it. It's fine. How's it going?"

"Uh, I'm not allowed to say"

"That's okay. How's Arizona?"

"Not allowed to say"

"Ugh, you're killing me"

"She won't see anyone. She won't even leave the house. Yeah, and... She's walking. She's even working with her prosthesis, but, you know, it has to be perfect. And I try to be encouraging, but then she tells me I'm pushing her"

"She needs time. She'll come through"

"Thank you. But I'm gonna tell her you said something mean. Then she can be cranky and resentful to you"

Lucy smiled.

Beck and Jackson lay down in the on-call room bed. She leaned over and kissed him before lying back down again. "Wow", he breathed. "That was...".




"So, do you wanna grab a coffee?"

"Uh... No, I'm good. Thank you. I'll see you later though, right?"



Alex, Meredith and Aurora were walking to the ER. "You're lucky I'm even selling you this house", Meredith said to Alex. "You're lucky I'm buying it", he retorted. "That list is the tip of the iceberg". "There's a list?" Aurora questioned.

"Hell yeah, there's a list. I mean, there's dry rot..."

"There is no dry rot", Meredith argued. A boy groaned from a bed and they went over to him. "Brian Danziger, 17, he passed out in first period English", Stephanie presented. "Severe abdominal pain, tremors, and he's hypotensive. His parents are on the way". "Brian, were you drinking this morning? Did you take anything?" Alex asked him. "No, I don't take drugs", Brian said weakly. "God! What happened?" "He's distended, and he's got tenderness in the right upper quadrant", Aurora informed them. "Does he look jaundiced to you?" Alex asked her.

"A little"

"Brian, I'm gonna need you to lie back down, please". She looked down at her to find a chunk of his hair in the palm of it. "Alex"

"Alright. Make sure you get LFTs, COAGs, a tox screen, and an abdominal CT", Alex instructed Stephanie. "Edwards, what do you think this is?" Meredith said. "I think... I'm sorry. I don't know", Stephanie replied. "That's alright. We don't either", Alex reassured her. "For all we know, this kid could have dry rot". Aurora snickered as he walked off but stopped when Meredith glared at her.

Cristina and Lucy came over to Meredith talking to Stephanie at the nurses station, holding cups of coffee. "Get away from me", Meredith snapped at Stephanie and she walked off. "Oh, not fair. You are the scariest one", Cristina said. "That was always supposed to be me". "You shouldn't have left", Meredith pointed out.

You're Losing Me-Grey's Anatomy AU Book NineWhere stories live. Discover now