Wrong Date Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard

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Wow, post is so stress full, I Don't know if there is mistakes.

Tags: Sex Toy, Masturbation, Bisexual Wilhemina Venable, Lesbian Billie Dean

It was getting late, but not late enough that Wilhemina felt bad knocking on the door of the Howard house. It wasn't like she'd ever seen Billie Dean fall asleep before midnight, after all.

True enough, the door soon opened to reveal Billie Dean herself, a lazy smile spreading across her face. "Good good. Am I still blinded by the white light of the holy spirit or is Wilhemina Venable at my door?

Wilhemina rolled her eyes; she was here at least a few times a week and they both knew it. Are you going to let me in or what?

Billie Dean huffed, absently reaching out to scratch her collarbone, Wilhemina couldn't help but admire the silk of Billie Dean's nightgown against her pale skin. Then she took a step aside, bowing deeply. Your Highness.

Wilhemina shook her head and walked in, already feeling more relaxed. She heard Billie Dean close the door behind her, then turned to look her head towards her room. A jazz melody could be heard in the background, something Wilhemina now recognized but still wasn't able to name.

I thought you had a date, Billie Dean said, falling backwards onto her bed.

The sheets were hidden under various books and notebooks, so Wilhemina put a few in a pile to create a place to sit. "I did it. Total failure, he doesn't deserve me."

"Again?" » said Billie Dean, not at all surprised.

Wilhemina sighed. "I mean. He was nice enough, I suppose? But he wouldn't shut up, and he was so annoying, Billie. He kept talking about his expensive car, and how women couldn't can't afford one like that and even when I asked questions, he had this condescending look in his eyes, like he didn't believe I knew what he was talking about, I mean, I'm HR and he allows himself to demean myself

Women Cant lead? This bullshit something I had heard a couple of months ago, Ouch, Billie Dean said. She had her head resting on her hands and somehow managed to look both sympathetic and amused.

Its indeed disgusting, isnt it? And he drove me home after dinner and went to kiss me, and I thought I could at least still have sex while putting up with his boring conversation, But apparently no, not with this creature who cried when he saw my car parked in front of my house, thinking that I had a husband who could afford to buy a car more expensive than his." Wilhemina was vaguely aware that she was rambling and probably getting into a little too personal territory, but the words kept coming. If that's the pace he's going at, then you know the sex is going to be terrible. I'm now frustrated and I don't know how to calm down, I'm almost 40 and I'm still a virgin, I think my life is ruined She deflated as the words finally came to an end, her face heating up. as she realized exactly what she had just said.

Next to her, Billie Dean remained silent for a long moment, and Wilhemina couldn't bring herself to look at her. Finally, she said, Wow.

Wilhemina glanced in her direction, noticing her raised eyebrows. "What do you mean 'wow'?"

"I mean, it's still this bad and you're still hanging out with these men?" » asked Billie Dean. She had freed one of her hands from its role as a pillow and was waving it in Wilhemina's direction.

Im optimistic, she muttered.

You deserve better, Billie Dean told her clearly.

Wilhemina shrugged her shoulders. I thought I could at least save a pathetic night by coming here and hanging out for a bit.

Something crossed Billie Dean's face and she clenched her jaw, looking away. Already had a bit of alcohol earlier, not really in the mood for another round tonight if Im honest.

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