Let the Stress go Billie Dean Howard x Wilhemina Venable

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Here is a longer one shot, for the few who pass by here :)

Tags: Strap on, Sub/Bottom Wilhemina Venable, Top/Dom Billie dean Howard, Praise kink, Dirty talk, Public sex, Wall sex, Rough sex, Overstimulation, Fingering

The first time it happened, it was an accident. An error of judgment. Wilhemina swore it would never happen again.

You see, recently she had changed her diet and lifestyle, which specifically caused her libido – notoriously unstable, for many reasons – to kick in. Normally, she would do her best to ignore her. Wilhemina did not consider herself a sexual person, often preferring to let any urge pass without acknowledging it. On the rare occasions when he decided to do something, she almost never wanted to involve anyone else. It was asking too much... Well, everything. Negotiation, for example. Thinking about it and talking about it, instead of solving the problem at hand.

However. However.

In addition to her libido appearing for the first time in months, she was also currently without an outlet. she didn't really have any free time, due to her recent role as general manager. Which left her absolutely no time for other... activities. Sexual or otherwise, there was only so much frustration a woman could take.

And to top it all off, the only vibrator she's ever owned – a battery-operated vibrator in a vibrant mauve shade, bought during her college days in a moment of weakness, and which has served her fickle libido ever since – was dead. just days after her promotion. Presumably due to her tendency to masturbate during times of high stress; she probably owed her Oxford degree to that thing. she didn't know how many times she "relaxed" after the exam, but it was frequent enough that the money spent on batteries was, frankly, embarrassing. And sure, she had hands, but they...just weren't doing the job. Her fingers weren't – they were too small, too thin, and too short to work for her. They weren't filling her the way she thought they would, the way she wanted them to, with an intensity that completely surprised her.

Thus, Wilhemina found herself in a particular situation. Her libido would interrupt her in the middle of her workday, distract her and completely reduce her ability to do her job. her productivity was steadily declining, and it wasn't subtle. More often than not, she found herself up to her elbows in musty statements, barely managing to read a single one before lunch. her other stress habits had returned in force, and the smell of smoke clung to her sleeves even after a few washes.

Finally, everything came to a head.

Billie Dean Howard found her outside a few weeks after this ordeal began, hiding in the alley behind the Institute. Usually there was no one there – which meant Wilhemina had some time to herself and could (quite deliberately) ignore the "No Smoking" sign stubbornly hung next to the fire escape.

"Hey, boss," Billie Dean called, the heavy door closing behind her. "No good?"

Wilhemina grumbled something indistinctly, placing a protective hand around the incriminating cigarette.

Billie Dean leaned against the brick. "Can I have some light?" » she asked, pointing to Wilhemina's cigarette, already half burnt.

"I didn't know you smoked."

"I don't know. Usually." Billie Dean shrugged, "I'm more of a social smoker, you know?"

"Okay, well. I'm afraid I only brought one. I'm trying to stop myself. That wasn't a lie per se. She was trying to stop. It was just... slow. With a small sigh, she took it from her lips and let it fall, crushing it with her heel.

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