Locked in Oneself - Mildred Ratched x Lana Winters

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Not Billie, Winnie or Delia this time, it's a work of Canonic lesbian, LET'S GO LESBIANS!!!!!!

Tags: internalized homophobia, Fingering, Feelings realisation, slight mention of Alice Macray, Mouth kink, Lips Kink, Oral Fixation, finger sucking, wet and messy, oral sex, Dom/Top Mildred Ratched, Sub/Bottom Lana Winters, Praise kink


Mildred tilts her head to the side, quietly watching the way Lana's lips move.

"So...this never happened." a shaky breath she lets out turns into a small laugh. "I suppose that the closeness that you established with Alice Macray was nothing more intimate than a Kind regards approach, isn't it? Unless I'm mistaken"

It was pretty hard not to get distracted when she was like that. A slight blush rises to her cheeks just after she finishes speaking, her eyes shining with that shy but enchanting glow that takes her breath away when she looks at her . her tongue runs quickly over her lower lip.

It doesn't help Mildred that Lana is so close to her . she thinks she didn't quite understand half of what she told her , too busy looking at her closely - because she's so much prettier like that - and feeling her thoughts s move away from the topics she mentioned.

Yet throughout the evening of getting to know each other, just as good friends do, there was something that particularly piqued Mildred's interest, especially as a head nurse, empathizing with patients was unconventional.

Sure, her self-control may be stronger than others'... but she's only human - just a woman who wants Lana more than anything and feels much more guilty for restricting her. her sapphic feelings.

All this time, Mildred swore that she would gladly go through hell a million times just for a chance to be close to her and protect her from men who - unlike her - wouldn't even give it a second thought twice before trying to get it. all for themselves.

It's all true, though. she wouldn't let anyone hurt her , especially not her self.

Yet the desire she tried to bury and repress slowly transforms into something else, stranger. Ugly and uncontrollable, sticking to her bones and working its way through her veins. Burying the desire that seems almost insatiable, ignoring the feeling that it's festering... It's all been a foolish wish from the very beginning.

Lana leans back a little, fingers running through her hair.

Mildred's eyes sharpen with desire. she can almost feel warmth and desire some semblance of contact spreading throughout her body.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?" » Lana asks softly, trying to avoid her gaze and failing all at once. Mildred thinks it's strangely adorable to see her stripped of all her facades, so pure and so sweet - even though she's still so unyielding.

"Like what?"

"Well, I don't know but I have a feeling you have something on your mind." a small pout appears on her face. "You can tell me anything, and you know it, Mildred. I say it all the time but I mean it, okay?"

Mildred's frown narrows, then she nods, seemingly stopping to consider the previous subject of her thoughts. But here's the thing: she can't do that; not enough.

she tries. She swears she's trying.

When their knees continue to brush every time she shifts in her seat or does something that seems insignificant, her mind lingers; it reminds her that there's an itch to scratch, an urge that can only be satisfied with her skin pressed against hers and her lips on hers.

it cannot be erased otherwise. Not when she's still so perfect and this strange kind of desire to have her for her self – to treat her in her own way, in a way that she deserves to be loved – only grows. And as time slips through her fingers, she is more and more consumed by a hunger so strange, so pure... just to have a taste of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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