Don't smile at him - Billie Dean Howard x Wilhemina Venable

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That one is rough UwU and sorry for mistakes

Tags: G!P, Sub/Bottom Wilhemina Venable, Top/Dom Billie Dean Howard, spanking, pussy spaking, orgasm denial, begging, praise kink, verbal humiliation

"You don't need to touch other people." the only command that was spoken in the air around them. Wilhemina's breathing shook where she knelt on all fours against Billie Dean's soft bed, her hands already clenched into fists around the sheets.

Wilhemina heard a rustling behind her , but didn't dare look behind her , keeping her eyes focused on the clean white sheets below her , she caught her lower lip under her teeth.

"What to do with you." Billie Dean hummed, a false thought evident in her voice, "What to do indeed." Wilhemina swallowed, her throat already dry from excitement.

"plea-please-" she soothed, hoping that the endearing name would ease her punishment as little as possible.

"Are bad girls allowed to speak, princess?" Billie Dean cut her off, her voice still normal, pleasant, almost no emotion behind the words. Wilhemina could also imagine her expression.

Wilhemina's breathing stopped, as a constant tremor settled in her bones, she felt herself tighten treacherously with the accompanying jump in her lower stomach, "I-!" she tried before finding her lips sealed.

"Mmm!" She exclaimed, turning to look at Billie Dean's smiling face. Billie Dean had tied a scarf around her mouth.

"Bad girls aren't allowed to talk," Billie Dean said, her voice firm and clear over Wilhemina's muffled complaints, "Especially not bad girls who smile at women." Wilhemina felt her cheeks grow hot, her body constantly shaking as Billie Dean took a breath, perhaps to steady herself.

"Especially not bad girls who smile at women in front of mommy?" » She asked in a voice as pleasant and gentle as ever.

Wilhemina frowned, looking at Billie Dean's smiling face in hopes of showing how absurd she looked right now.

Wilhemina? smile ? All she did was politely tell a woman to fuck off because she dared to say that Billie Dean was sexy in front of her, but the smile was only ironic.

"Mm. Don't look at me like you don't know what you did. Billie Dean tilted her head slightly to the side, her eyes slowly roaming over Wilhemina's figure, "I think I've decided."

Wilhemina's heart skipped a beat and she made a muffled sound behind her lips in recognition.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Billie Dean asked her : "Smile like that, huh?" leave the most precious thing about you in front of everyone?

Wilhemina made an indignant noise behind her lips, refusing.

Billie Dean clicked her tongue behind Wilhemina, and she heard the same shuffling noise again, fading to her ears from the sound of her blood flowing through them.

"This is the fourth time you've tried to speak even though I've told you not to." Billie Dean's voice sounded slightly disappointed, and Wilhemina felt her heart beat twice as hard, from anticipation or fear, she didn't know.

Wilhemina breathed through her nose as she looked behind her at Billie Dean, deepening her scowl in a feeble attempt to hide how much this whole situation was really affecting her. "Don't look at me like that, princess," the ribbon on Billie Dean's forehead was already removed, a slight blush adorned her pale face and she looked ethereal. "Don't act like you don't want this ."

Wilhemina felt her face darken a few shades and tried to speak again, this time, with less than polite language adorning her muffled words, as she pushed herself to sit up straight, how embarrassing! she was still on her knees in front of this irritating woman!

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