Billie Dean Howard x Cordelia Goode

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It's very, very short but you always have to start with something, don't you?

Tags: fingering, oral sex (cunnilingus), semi-public sex (in the company bathrooms) okay..? here we go °u°

Cordelia tries to ignore the way Audrey's eyes follow her, focusing instead on holding her head up, on what she hopes is a seductive sway of her hips. She can still taste Billie on her lips and she's ready for more. The door to the accounting accounting officers's bathroom is ajar and Cordelia pauses, fingertips hovering over the handle as she tries to catch her breath. But then the door opens and strong fingers wrap around Cordelia's wrist, pulling her inside.

Billie closed the door and locked it behind them in one moment, Cordelia leaned against the sink in another. Billie has one hand on Cordelia's hip, the other stubbing out the butt of her cigarette on the watercolor blue marble counter. She snuggled into Cordelia's straight blonde hair, humming, "Mmm, I knew you had balls, princess.HR bitch is mad, but it's my own pleasure"

Cordelia snorts, can't help it, "If you're looking for somes, I'm sorry to disappoint you., but I have better" Cordelia told her cupping her breasts.

The hand on Cordelia's hip slides low, under the hem of her skirt and up, Billie's thumb brushing Cordelia through her panties. "Aww, shit. You're right. You better go," Billie replies, but she's laughing before the words have even left her mouth.

Cordelia pushes her shoulders mockingly, blushing despite herself, "Shut up." Cordelia had the prettiest blush, it was like a kind of charming spell that could make anyone fall. Billie enjoyed the sight of the delicate curve of Cordelia's cheek, the impeccably smooth skin covered in light brown freckles.

"What if you made me?" Billie says and Cordelia wonders if Billie's voice is still this low, "I bet you could find a better use for that mouth, huh?" Billie's manicured index finger slid gently over Cordelia's upper lip and reveled in the full lips against her fingers, Cordelia had the prettiest mouth.

Cordelia chews her lower lip thoughtfully. She squeezes Billie's shoulders before pushing down. And Billie comes down slowly, smiling the whole time. Cordelia sighs as Billie's hands caress her calves and thighs, hiking up her skirt as they go, although Cordelia usually wore floss pants which made the curve of her ass look incredibly sharp and bouncy (Billie almost always drooled at the sight and would angrily squeeze the globes in her hands and see them redden painfully under the ungodly and brutal blows). Billie traces Cordelia's lace panties with her thumb, feeling how wet the fabric has become. "Jesus, Cordelia. You're so wet. Is this for me?" she asks, rubbing until Cordelia begins to penetrate them.

Cordelia squirms, toes curling as Billie flicks her clit. "God, that's supposed to shut you up."

And then Billie leans in, talking hotly about Cordelia through her panties; long, firm strokes of hot tongue against Cordelia's sensitive skin. She continues like this until Cordelia moans and pushes her mouth away. She sucks on Cordelia's clit a bit before pulling her panties to the side. Her folds are soft and velvety, pink and Billies lips fit perfectly between them to reach her little sweetheart's needy clit, she could tell that Cordelia was throbbing and eager for more, but she moaned and was there sweetest girl by showing patience...

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," Cordelia pants, fingers tangling in Billie's hair as Billie laps at her dripping slit. Billie's little breathy grunts are lost against Cordelia's skin. Billie grabs Cordelia's right ankle firmly, uses the leverage to pull Cordelia's leg up over her shoulder as she finally pushes her tongue inside. Cordelia screams, then Billie's hand comes up, closing over her mouth. Cordelia's lip gloss is sticky against Billie's palm, against her own chin. She's a mess and she doesn't care because Billie is fucking her with her incredibly talented tongue. Because Billie is going to make her cum. Because Billie always does and that's what makes Cordelia's days so joyful. She loved the surprise sexual attacks from Billie who was hungry for her.

Billie moans as Cordelia goes wild, grinding her clit into Billie's nose. Everything looks so wet, and Cordelia wonders how much of it is her that's dripping down Billie's chin. Billie replaces her tongue with two fingers, first she strokes her fingers against the folds to coat them with moisture. She hums at the texture and considers looking down at the streaks of slick covering her fingers but for nothing in the world she wanted to look away from Cordelia's angelic face. She felt Cordelia's pool tense with worry and despair, understandably, the sharp glossy acrylics scared her.

Billie didn't look away for a moment until her eyes could no longer see Cordelia's and she let her lips trail over the warm skin of her lower abdomen, in a desperate movement Cordelia flattened her skirt to maintain eye contact , her glazed, watery eyes were driving Billie crazy and Cordelia's long eyelashes were delicately hitting her cheeks softly. And so, in an emotional and outrageously sexual elan, Billie carefully thrust her fingers in, fucking and twisting her as she latched onto Cordelia's clit. "That's it," Billie mutters against Cordelia's skin, "Come and get me, princess."

Billie doesn't stop, continuing to move her tongue in artful ways that made Cordelia weak and babbling, licking and sucking, fingers moving faster than they have any right to. Cordelia falls overboard without any warning. She pants against Billie's palm as her body tightens, her pussy convulsing around Billie's fingers, throbbing against her mouth, coming in a hot little spurt that Billie moans.

Billie fucks her until Cordelia is trembling and hypersensitive, pushing the top of Billie's head with a moan. A nasal moan broke the sexual tension and replaced it with tenderness, a satisfied gasp from Cordelia made Billie's ego swell.

Billie smiles when she pulls back, mouth and chin very wet, cheeks flushed, hair in desperate need of taming. She removes Cordelia's leg from her shoulder, slowly and gently. Cordelia lets her pull down and remove her panties, watches as Billie slips them into her jacket pocket. Cordelia wants to ask her if she can return the favor, but Billie is already shaking her head, cupping Cordelia's warm cheek.

When Billie kisses her this time, it's deep and unhurried. Cordelia can taste herself as she licks Billie's mouth and feels a tremor run through her. Billie pulls Cordelia's hand towards her back pocket, placing it on the panties hidden there.

"Consider this my IOU. You'll know what I want when you see them again, and above all, don't get caught by that HR bitch ."

"Fuck," Cordelia whispers against her lips.

"Yeah, baby," Billie laughed, "That's the plan."

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