The best girl Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode

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My my Here we go again, How can I resist to write about them?

Tags: Sub/Bottom Cordelia Goode, Top/Dom Wilhemina Venable, G!P, rough Sex, Cordelia Goode has a praise kink (she is our good(e) girl), Wilhemina is so in love with her, possessive sex, breeding kink, oral sex, cunnilingus, overstimulation

Wilhemina watches as Delia settles onto her knees. In her position on top of her , her legs rest on the pillow behind Wilhemina's head and shoulders. Each thigh next to her ears, Cordelia gets comfortable. All she wears is Wilhemina's old favorite purple shirt (it's Delia's now).

Specifically, Wilhemina greatly appreciates how all she can smell is her own body odor covering Cordelia's Skin, sweat, faint familiar scents, alongside her growing arousal. Attracted by Delia's sweet and pungent scent, there is no longer enough concentration in Wilhemina's head for anything else. Although their views on right and wrong may continue to vary wildly, none of them can deny that nothing beats this position.

Maybe Wilhemina is superficial. Certain in thinking that people and beliefs are malleable to change. Is it more likely that she is naive? Wishful thinking – justification? It does not matter.

Drowning in someone as deep as Delia, losing your semblance of self in service between those thighs, is a privilege in itself.

Wilhemina tilts her head to kiss the inside of her soft thigh. Lips brush against pale flesh teasingly, knowing Delia will be within reach when she's ready. Irresistible nonetheless, Wilhemina's tongue tastes her skin with light kitten strokes.

When Wilhemina barely sinks her teeth into her , Cordelia stifles the slightest tremor.

"You taste so good." Wilhemina congratulates her .

"O-oh." Delia responds by pressing her thigh against Wilhemina's nose.

"You smell good too."

"P-Please, Stop." Delia warns: to Wilhemina, her voice seems weak.

"I can do nothing." Wilhemina assures her , lifting her head to move higher on her thigh.

"Not when you're so excited, and especially not when you smell so much of me."

"Mina." Cordelia hisses, getting up on her knees again to get out of Wilhemina's reach.

Wilhemina knew this game. For both of them, it's a good thing. Cordelia likes to be teased, complaining and pleasing are behaviors that Wilhemina has been accustomed to for a long time. Delia tends to be deceptive with her feelings reflexively. Wilhemina took her time to study her stories in intimate moments.

If she had her way, she would remind Delia how good she could be at any time.

Wilhemina's hands grip Delia's buttocks, and even in this position, her physical strength is greater than Cordelia's. It doesn't matter much when she takes the girl back to where she was. Soon her excitement moves much closer to her face. Cordelia's escaping exhale serves as gentle encouragement. While she pretends to hate knowing the depth of Wilhemina's desire for her , she cannot help but profess her honest observations regarding Cordelia.

"You are perfect." She said reverently, looking down at the red cheeks and soft, darkened chocoalt eyes from below her .


Hands rush forward and grab the headboard. Cordelia actually cut herself and finally lowered herself into lip range.

Wilhemina accepts the tacit invitation. Fingers squeeze the flesh of Cordelia's ass, palms part her inner thighs and bring her to her mouth. Tongue and lips meet warm, sensitive skin. Wilhemina sucks in air through her nose and distinctly notices the smell of slick and desire boiling on Cordelia's skin like steam, in her aura.

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