Student/Teacher Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode

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Cordelia is a grown up if that worries anyone, the teacher and student relationship is my weak point and I think that could create a good dynamic for them, don't you think? maybe a deeper story to develop? For now I'll leave you with this one, enjoy.

Tags: Older woman/Younger woman, Public sex it's literally in the classroom, fingering, mention on heterosexuality, sexual tension

The most embarrassing thing is that it was Hank who broke up with Cordelia this time. So far, the opposite has always been true: like clockwork, they were both fighting over something stupid, and Cordelia was telling herself that she wouldn't take her back this time. But then Hank would give her his best eyes under strobe lights and loud music, and they would do it again.

Somehow, despite being technically on and off, Cordelia is happy that Hank asserted her rights over him . This cuts down on the rumors whispered in the school halls – heard she let Kit fuck her in the back of his car after the Soccer tournament – and keeps the worst jerks from trying anything. She's not stupid enough to think that Hank had nothing to do with these rumors, but... well. Its popularity does not come from nowhere. She had to work for it, date it, fuck for it. Hank wasn't going to take that away from her.

And this time, she really wasn't going to go back to Hank. She wouldn't.

Sometimes Hank talked about Alexandra, Cordelia knew why he did it. she knew he was only raising Alexandra to make sure Cordelia felt inferior and replaceable. Still, she laughed with her and said yes, swallowing her pain.

Cordelia waited in the hallway for Venable's next class, she put the tip of her finger in her mouth and chewed on it nervously. She was only put with Hank because the editor-in-chief of the Journalism club, Lana Winters, did not yet accept her homosexuality. And Hank had promised her that it was nothing to be ashamed of and could add Alexandra sometimes.

She heard the familiar limping sound of Ms. Venable's cane, she sat up and gave her a polite smile, Cordelia really liked Ms. Venable, although she was wickedly cynical and sarcastic, she always found a way to make Cordelia blush and give her butterflies in her stomach.

"Hello dear, how come you're not chatting with that pathetique guy?" Ms. Venable smiled mischievously, her tone gentle, a grin stretched across the corner of her mouth, she was probably already aware of the rumors that were circulating at the speed of light here.

Ms. Venable opened the door with her bunch of keys attached to her big black belt with a golden buckle. Cordela liked the lilac velvet down suit jacket.

The hairs stood up hearing the deep voice, Cordelia held back a breath and blushed harder. "We end our relationship."

"Ah." Ms. Venable taps her fingers on the table. " It's hard. What's that, third time this month?

Cordelia frowned and bit her lower lip, almost ashamedly. she tries not to focus too much on Ms. Venable vocal banter. , she saw the slight nod of the head which invited her to enter the room. . "It feels pretty personal to me. And we're really done this time. she just doesn't know it yet." Cordelia responded as kindly as possible, she did not hear the door click shut.

"Oh, that seems sincere for a Third time," smiled Ms. Venable, wildly.

"If it bothers you I can leave-"

"No sweety, you're happy to stay, Don't act shy, I'm sure M. Renard isn't really worth it, is he?"

"I-I'm not doing acting shut," Cordelia cuts in. Without being sure, she adds: "My biyfriend just broke up with me. »

This makes Ms. Venable laugh, and Cordelia can't stop her own lips from turning up.

"Oh sweety " Cordelia blushed upon hearing the pet name, she felt her insides melt and tremble nervously, she always had a weakness for older and strict redheads like Ms. Venable. She felt the gentle touch of the cold hand on her throat, her thumb sliding gently. "You should hide that nasty stain." Ms. Venable straightened the collar of her shirt and gave her a soft smile, dark eyes clouded and vibrating anxiously. As if she was jealous, Cordelia instinctively touched her skin, right next to Ms. Venable's fingers then she felt her gaze go down to her neck and Cordelia almost wanted to apologize, she had forgotten the old hickey from the last match of the the basketball team, where she was hidden with Hank under the stands for a hot kissing session.

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