The Goodness of the Devil - Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode

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Another one with these one, I promise to inculd me Billie...It's so weird when I see 7290 words while I wrote more than 8200, and just the translation took away one hour and half of my work TvT... But well, it's here for enjoyers, so enjoy :)

I'm sweating because I read it trice time and check if there is not mistakes, but I feel them, they judge me 0w0

Tags: G!P (my vibes right now), sexual tension, Sub/Bottom Cordelia, Dom/Top Wilhemina, rough sex (yeah~), breeding kink, Dom/Sub, Mommy Kink (finally one hehe), Blow job, Multiple orgasms (Delia deserves all of them), spanks, Praise kink and I think it's all (°3°)

The first word that came to her mind when she met Wilhemina? Heat.

Burning warmth, like standing in front of a fireplace in winter, just as comforting and warm. it had never sounded so hot as to burn, it was almost... welcoming. If Cordelia closed her eyes as she sat in the kitchen, tea clutched between two hands, and let herself breathe in the smell of ravioli and bread... one could almost feel at home.

Pain rumbled through her chest and Cordelia opened her eyes just in time to feel her hands clench a little tighter around the cup as Madison's body burst into view, rushing past Cordelia with a cry.

Cordelia jumped in her seat when a firm, warm hand rested on her shoulder, warmth radiating through the thin silk shirt she wore, and Wilhemina's voice echoed after them.

"Everything you touch in this place is worth more than your life," Wilhemina taunted Madison.

"How expensive is everything you own?" I didn't think Kineros Robotics paid that well," Cordelia remarked.

A laugh and Wilhemina sat across from her at the table, her own cup of tea clutched in one hand while the other threaded her fingers through her impeccable red locks. "We have to teach this starlet her place, right? I don't seem bad enough for her, so if she has to learn anything it's that everything can't be replaced and that no matter how much money you put in, the value is always greater." A sad look shone in her warm, brown eyes, then she looked at Cordelia and winked. Cordelia couldn't suppress the laughter under her breath that followed, nor stop the blush that warmed her cheeks when the brunette wavered to look at her, a smirk tugging at her lips. She doesn't think she's ever heard such an attitude from Wilhemina Venable. Myrtle had described her as rude and vulgar.

"I was warned that you would be mean, and that you would not hesitate to make fun of me, but really all I see is loneliness" Cordelia said softly, looking at the moles near the Wilhemina Venable's collarbones. She gently stuck her lip between her teeth, she felt a tingling.

"Who? this redheaded witch "purple is for royalty dear not middle management"? she hadn't made a date and it was addressed to me like I was nothing, she just didn't deserve my sympathy" Wilhemina raised an eyebrow and Cordelia nodded. Understandable.

"Myrtle in her character, she is like a mother like me" said Cordelia, remembering the moment she had to, at Myrtle's request, have her immolated on the stake. "but I only believe what I see, and I don't see what she saw" she feels her face light up as the heat in her body fills her when Wilhemina's hand touches her, she doesn't can't stop the smile from appearing on her face.

A playful laugh from the older woman and Cordelia's cheeks burned even more, she hiding them behind her cup as she busied herself with drinking her tea, trying to ignore the way excitement fizzed in her belly. as her foot collided with hers. If anyone saw, they might assume that it was just that Cordelia got along wonderfully with Wilhemina , sweet friendship was everything.

If there was one thing Cordelia was good at, it was secrets...and she was quickly becoming the kindest one to keep.

The hours of waiting for the right moment were almost torturous, chocolate eyes fixed on the ceiling, studying the hollows of the wooden panels, It was a full moon, silvery white light bleeding into the middle of the room through the window at her bedside. However, that wasn't what kept her from sleeping.

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