Tame the Purple Bitch Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard

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Two one-shots in a day, wow...I already wrote them so I'm posting now

Tags: sub Wilhemina Venable, Dom Billie Dean Howard, Fingering, Public-Sex, car sex

"You think you're so sneaky, don't you, princess?" Billie Dean hisses, her lips and voice too close for Wilhemina to handle in such a public setting.

She was simply standing in line in the crowded company cafeteria, tray in hand, waiting so pretty and so patient, when Billie Dean Howard pushed her way into the row, now pressing her impressive breasts into Wilhemina's back. as she leans in.

"What do you mean?" » Wilhemina asks innocently, blushing like a virgin from being so close to the other girl.

She turns slightly and glances over her shoulder to take in how piercing those warm brown eyes can be, how stunning they become when surrounded by dark makeup and eyeliner.

"You know exactly what I mean," her voice raw and with just a sure hint of something so salacious.

Wilhemina almost yelps as the fingers brush the back of her thigh.

"Skirt above the knee, I can practically see your cute little panties. You've been wandering around all day looking like a playboy in such a tight outfit, darling it looks like you've gained weight or these clothes are too small? Anyway, your outfit teases me; and all the damn married men here.

Wilhemina's heart beats a thousand miles per minute, pounding against her well-covered chest. And it only gets faster and warmer as the fingers travel higher, but it's not some semblance of anger pulsing through her veins, no, it's something much naughtier.

"I-I'm just wearing a skirt, what do you want from me?" she huffs and turns to look at the back of Anthony the marketing director.

"Oh girl, you know exactly what I want from you," Billie Dean purrs before leaving a cold, empty space behind Wilhemina, each other's body and warmth gone.

She hadn't noticed how hard she had been gripping the tray, her fingers aching from the pressure. She can finally breathe again, but it would be a lie to say that she doesn't already miss the contact of others, as fleeting and aggressive as it may be.

Wilhemina knows what Billie Dean wants. And unfortunately for Wilhemina's reputation and her attitude as a frigid and untamable Bitch, is also what she wants.

The stars shine above sleepy Los Angeles, the clock reads nearly one a.m., and Wilhemina finds herself the only other car on the street as she crosses the space between her house and the career.

Usually, they found themselves in a secluded corner of the beach, not far from the murduer house, Billie Dean lived nearby to be closer to her friend Constance. They didn't meet up at her house simply because it meant something much more important emotionally and they weren't ready for.

Of course, there's the giant Wilhemina house that's still empty, but Billie Dean won't go there and ignores all questions about why. But admittedly, being in the back of the Mercedes is all too exciting for Wilhemina, so she's not really complaining.

The lights from its headlights expose the black lacquer of the other car parked in dead silence as far away in the arena of the quarry as possible.

With too much exaggeration, it takes Wilhemina less than two seconds to get out of her car and into the other's car, finding the golden blonde already sitting and smoking in the back seat looking as classy and distinguished as she does inspired to be.

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