Let down the power Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode

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Hello there!! happy to still see those who come to read here. There's just a little extra warning here, those who don't agree stay on their side and don't come and say mean things, thank you very much :). I warn here it's not rape, they planned to act this way and wrote it in the game mood, the story is not CNC

Tags: G!P (no joke), rough sex, Sub/Bottom Delia, Dom/Top Wilhemina, handcuffs, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, Dacryphilia, praise kink

The bright chime of her doorbell catches her attention after Cordelia gets distracted while thinking about what perfume to wear.

she opts for a vanilla musk, which stays strong from the first application and which will fade into a softer note even after sweating. she sprays once at the base of her neck, then under both pits, shaking slightly so the scent settles more quickly. She takes one last look before tying the waistband of her dress into a neat bow as she stands, smoothing the fabric along the shuffle. curves and angles of her supple body. Satisfied, Cordelia grabs her cell phone from the counter before leaving her room and closing the door with a soft click, crossing the bright open space of her living room, bare feet on the cool wooden floor, as she makes her way to the front door.

"Cordelia." Wilhemina greets, the soft but rich timbre of her voice and her seductive smile making Cordelia go a little weak at the knees.

"Come in, Mina." She replies, brown chocolate eyes sparkling with interest as she invites her guest inside.

Like the fluidity and comfort of a lover and a close friend, like an infinite time spent together spanning several hours. It was a cosmic attraction that Cordelia wouldn't have opened herself to to anyone else.

"Is this for me?"

Wilhemina stays silent for a moment, busy removing her shoes at the entrance after Cordelia heads into the living room. Her long hair reaches the middle of her back, loose as it falls over her shoulder from the way she hinges at the hip to remove the remaining heels she wears; Cordelia's hand twitches where it rests along her thigh with the urge to reach out and touch, to feel the smooth, inky locks between her fingers.

"It is." Wilhemina responds, slowly walking over to where Cordelia sits on the couch, the silk of her dress parting to give her a glimpse of her soft, pale thigh. Wilhemina looks away from the view to meet Cordelia's playful gaze, raising her hand to offer the pink paper bag Cordelia was referring to. "They should fit you."

Curiosity piqued, Cordelia searches through the tissue paper to find the gift that Wilhemina had been unexpectedly kind enough to give her. she pulls out a pair of thick black leather cuffs, feeling their weight individually in her palms. They are of significantly higher quality than a pair of cheap generic handcuffs that might be purchased at a sex shop - Cordelia can say as much as she studies them, her interest piqued. she tests one, the cuff loose although unbuckled but heavy as she wraps it around her thin wrist. Cordelia's heart rate quickens as she studies the sturdiness of the large D-ring attached to one side; she pulled on it several times, her thighs pressing together at the sudden pain that shot through her , her breathing becoming shallow as she realized Wilhemina could easily move her into multiple positions once a chain was attached to connect them together.

"How thoughtful of you." » Cordelia finally said as she placed the handcuffs on her knees, brushing a finger against the black padding inside one of them.

"I saw you added them to your wish list." Wilhemina hums, tilting her head in her direction, the bright amber of her eyes like coils of melted honey. "I hope that wasn't too forward of me."

This caused Cordelia to burst into a brief burst of laughter, the bright white of her teeth appearing as she leaned forward to place a hand on Wilhemina's chest, easy, playful and flirtatious.

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