Chapter 8 I Make a New Godly Friend

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So many twists and turns! Why do the hallways all look the same? If I could at least find the garden again I could figure out where I was relative to the exit, or if I could stop and check the Tome of Fates to see if it had guidance, but nope being pursued.

Note for anyone who thinks they can run from undead, they don’t seem to have a stamina limit, or need to stop to catch their breath.

Through the past ten, twenty minutes I have become very familiar with what running skeletons sound like, and what the furies' voices sound like.  Neither of which I ever wanted to be familiar with, but hey at least it's not their appearance I have seen too much so that means I am doing a good job at running away. 

I stopped by what looked to be a petrified demigoddess in roman armor holding a vase to catch my breath. I was not ready to do all this running. My legs already ached before from having to run after Grover. Not to mention the long walk from Cerberus to the Palace. I can understand Hades' frustrations about commutes. 

Looking up at the statue I asked, “Do you know where the exit is?” 

No response.

Well it is a statue.

Hearing boots and moving skeleton joints down the corridor I quickly ran down the opposite way. However I saw only a door…

Not taking another second to wait as I heard the boots growing closer, I ran into the door. 

Now I don’t know what kind of room you expect in Hades palace, but one that seemed to be an angel's room is not on that list. Most of everything was white and gold with sapphire gems embedded in intricate gold patterns. It looked beautiful, if a little bright. 

However what got my attention was the girl no older than thirteen. She had long blonde hair that looked like it was pure gold. Green eyes that shone like emeralds and wore a white greek dress. Her face seemed a little child like.

We stared at her in silence for a moment.

“You’re running from my Mom aren’t you?” She asked.

“Is she Hades?” I asked, and she nodded. “Yes. She’s trying to take my book and it belongs to my dad.”

She stood up and walked over to me, her four foot eleven height causing me to look down at her as she stood in front of me. Her expression was void of any emotion for a moment as I heard the boot getting closer, and I think I could feel Hades getting closer too.

Suddenly the little girl's face lit up, “You seem like you’ll be fun!”

Next thing I knew I was being dragged towards a wardrobe, opened it and shoved me in all with surprising strength. A strength that seemed to belong to at least a six foot lifelong bodybuilder and not a little girl who is four foot eleven.

I heard the door open and Hades' voice, “Macaria, have you seen a mortal boy? Black hair and icy blue eyes. A slight russian accent.”

Please don’t give me up. I prayed.

“You found big sis Meli’s necklace!” The little girl exclaimed.

“Yes, the boy had it. I think Ares gifted it to him.” Hades sighed, “If you see the boy, do bring him to me dear. I need to see to getting my helmet back.”

“Make sure not to lose it again mom!” Macaria called as I heard the door close. After a few moments I heard, “You can come out now.”

I pushed the wardrobe door open and unfortunately fell on the floor after. Hearing a giggling I looked up to see it was indeed the little girl laughing at me. 

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