Chapter 6 Huh, Did Not Know You Did That

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Over ten hours. 

I slept for over ten hours. Which given the fact I haven’t slept more than six hours at most for the past year, was odd to me. 

Now how did we get here in that amount of time? Well Kenny says they're speed suggestions. Now we were around thirty minutes away from the Centaur tribe. Though he says it is more so a trailer park type encampment.

“So anything I should be wary about?” I asked as we rode in silence.

“Uh…” Kenny let out as he scratched his chin. “Watch out for Tsen, she’s your age and is definitely gonna try to play with ya, I imagine that's what she’s trying with your little friend.”

“Just going to play with me? That doesn’t sound so bad.” I commented and he laughed, which worried me.

“Funny little dude you are, you’ll learn.” Kenny said as he continued onto a chuckle.

Huh… Can’t be scarier than Athena staring you down, right?




A young centaur girl that had brown hair and pink highlights. While she was young she still was a centaur so stood at a height of 6 feet. Just by the excited look on her face and gleam in her grass green eyes I could tell she was an energetic girl. 

“Friend!” Was the only thing she shouted as she spotted me and happily galloped away from Katherine and towards me. 

“Tsen!” An older and… gods she's bigger than Demeter. 

Why am I suddenly off the ground?



“Kadria mou…” I muttered as I watched him be twirled around by Tsen. 

He was too distracted by Melina’s breast, which I couldn’t blame him. They’re very large.

He was staring at her breast?!

“Y/N!” I yelled as I ran towards him pulling him from Tsen’s grip.

“Thanks Kathy.” He said smiling when he saw me…

“Idiot.” I muttered, smiling like I saved him from something horrible. How can I stay mad when he gives me that face?

“Not my fault I got picked up by a young centaur.” He countered.

“You seemed to be distracted kardia mou.” I told him, and in response he merely looked away.

“What's that even mean?” He asked, sounding a little pouty, which was cute.

I only smiled at his cuteness, which when he peeked at me made him blush. Not even doing anything and he makes me smile. By the goddesses Aphrodite, what are you doing to me?

“Not a friend?” A saddened voice asked, and I turned to see Tsen looking at us with a sad expression. 

“Just agapi mou.” I told her and she smiled brightly.

“So he can still be my friend?” She asked hopefully.

“Yes, just be gentle, he’s a mortal.” I told her.

“I’m not some delicate flower.” He told me as she pulled himself from my hold. “My name is Y/N Veileder, this is Signa.” He greeted her as said white raven landed on his shoulder. 

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