Chapter 10 Done For? Fine...

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I woke up in an Egyptian themed ship. Which is actually weird, which is also odd considering my life. Annabeth sat next to me along with a vaguely white raven in a window.

I tried to sit up but immediately felt woozy.

"Rest." Annabeth said as she pushed me back down, "You're going to need it."

"Tyson ...?"

She shook her head. "Perse, I'm really sorry."

We were silent while the waves tossed the ship and by association swayed us.

"She may have survived," she said half-heartedly. "I mean, fire can't kill her."

I nodded, but I had no reason to feel hopeful. I'd seen that explosion rip through solid iron. If Tyson had been down in the boiler room, there was no way she could've lived.

She'd given his life for us, and all I could think about were the times I'd felt embarrassed by her and had denied that the two of us were related.

Waves lapped at the boat. Annabeth showed me some things she'd salvaged from the wreckage – Hermes's Flask (now empty), an airtight bag full of ambrosia, a couple of sailors' shirts and a bottle of Dr Pepper. She'd fished me out of the water and found my knapsack, bitten in half by Scylla's teeth. Most of my stuff had floated away, but I still had Hermes's bottle of multivitamins, and of course I had Riptide. The ballpoint pen always appeared back in my pocket no matter where I lost it.

That's when I asked the obvious, "So... who's ship are we on now?"

"Wouldn't you like to know sea girl." A familiar voice spoke and I turned to see Katherine walking into the shack.

"Katherine." I said unsure how to feel.

Last I or anyone knew she was seen walking into the forest and just disappeared, some thought she got killed by a monster while others thought she just ran away. Lou however was insistent on neither and said she went with Y/N, but no one knows what happened with him. He's just gone.

"Yeah, me." Katherine gave me a blank stare. "So mind telling me why a daughter of Poseidon let a ship blow up? That bad of a captain?"

That stung, I wanted to tell her that Tyson tried her best to keep it running but the words stayed in my throat.

"For your information Clarisse was the captain and Tyson..." Annabeth started, which kinda surprised me she'd defend Tyson. "Nice to know you haven't changed."

"Tyson tried keeping the ship's engines together but..." I couldn't finish.

"Tyson?" She asked, "What about her? A cyclops, right?"

I stared, did she really not know?

"Oh you weren't there when she got claimed." Annabeth realized.

"Claimed?" Katherine was confused for a moment before realizing it. "Oh she was a daughter of Poseidon. Sorry Perse."

"You didn't know." I told her before changing the subject. "So this is your boat?"

"Oh no, Y/N raised it from the sands." She answered as if it was obvious. "That's how he says to put it."

I looked at Annabeth and she just nodded with a smile. He's alive!



We sailed for hours. Now that we were in the Sea of Monsters, the water glittered a more brilliant green, like acid. The wind smelled fresh and salty, but it carried a strange metallic scent, too – as if a thunderstorm were coming. Or something even more dangerous. I had no clue what direction we needed to go. Just a complete feeling of being lost.

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