Chapter 7 The Sea, Really?

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"I am Sarthorael the Everwatcher and you will refer to me as such!" She shrieked as she glared at Kenny, she seemed to be kind of bratty.

"S..Signa?" Y/N hesitantly called out and she whirled around to him.

"You can keep calling me that I suppose." She told him as she walked up to him and began looking over him with her yellowish hawk-like eyes. "Are you hurt? Do you feel sick? You probably have contracted a disease. Though Nurgle followers always carry such a variety it is not easy to tell which one." She said in quick succession without letting him speak.

"What about the dragon girl?" He asked, still looking at Signa in shock, or is it Sarhorael now?

She gave a disinterested hum, "The dragon ogre knows her place. Also incapacitated with some disease I am sure."

Looking over the dragon ogre she was now laying on the ground with centaurs around her looking at her wounds. She did look very sickly.

Chiron cleared her throat, "Pardon the intrusion, but maybe you could enlighten us as to what exactly happened, Sarthoreal was it?"

"Quite obvious isn't it." She stated in a condescending tone. "The plaguebearers stole an artifact and the dragon ogre pursued. Though followers of Nurgle stealing is quite unlike them. Though female plaugebearers are unique."

"That is what I hope you clarify, I have no knowledge of what the parties involved are." Chiron told her, not seeming bothered by her tone.

This time Sarthoreal didn't immediately respond, instead staring at Chiron with a look of contemplation and when she finally spoke, "Do yourself a favor and forget all that you saw, acknowledgement of them will only bring an end."

With that she turned her back to Chiron and started to examine Y/N. Picking his arms up and looking over them, closely looking at the hand he touched the plaguebearer with. She seemed to start scolding him for something, though he was still looking at her surprised.




Yellow hawk-like eyes, pale turquoise hair, royal blue wings, a lean body that didn't seem muscular, her curves seemed to be focused on her hips and rear. She wore a white toga-like dress that stopped halfway down her thighs, which just a little above her knees is where her bird legs started. Her face had a faint dusting of freckles, most prominently below her eyes and on the bridge of her nose. She stood at a height of seven foot two.

"Huh." I muttered still trying to process the fact this was Signa, or Sarthoreal as she calls herself.

Signa the very white raven that has been with me all my life. The raven that has watched me in every moment, and I mean every, is a woman...

"How long are you going to stare at her?" Katherine asked, sounding a little bothered.

"I am sorry, it's just the raven that has watched me my whole life turns out to be a woman." I responded, "Pardon me if it affects me more than you." I then turned back to Signa, "Did my father know?"

"While he may have had his suspicions, he never revealed if he knew or not." She admitted looking a small bit bothered. She then looked me in the eyes and as if reading my mind, "There is a lot about your father you do not know Y/N."

"Would you tell me?" I asked, I finally had a way to get answers.

"You've had the answers this entire time." She told me cryptically.

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