Chapter 14 Short Aren't Ya?

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It was quiet on the Swordfysh. No one said much after Aranessa and the rest got back, just quietly set off back to the sea. Sylin and the ones that remained on the ship were really the only ones talking. The ones that came back kept sparing glances at Y/N.

"Captain." Sylin called as she walked up next to Aranessa who was at the helm. "What happened?"

"Some Clarisse girl who was tied up said some vile things to Y/N." She told Sylin.

"Ah, he said she might be there once he saw a lifeboat." Sylin hummed as she looked at Y/N. "He take it well?"

"Well as well as one would take words from a recent friend turned enemy." Aranessa shrugged.

"She was never a friend." Y/N stated, also revealing he was listening to their conversation. "And the next person to glance at me with pity will get frozen."

Most of the crew went back to work, some whistling innocently while Collin just shook his head as he sat on a cannon staring or 'monitoring the slackers' as he put it.

"Icy aren't you?" Aranesssa asked, but got a cold glare from Y/N. "Not doing anything but proving me right."

Signa landed on Y/N's right shoulder and croaked. Y/N looked up and narrowed his eyes, something that caught Aranessa's attention until she felt a shift in the winds of the sea.

"Well then..." She muttered as she turned the wheel of the ship.

"Captain?" Sylin asked, but she got her mouth covered by Y/N.

"Listen." He told her as she contemplated biting his hand.

Not that he was focused on her, but rather the sound he was hearing in the wind, it was almost like a voice. He closed his eyes and tried his best to listen and feel which direction the wind was coming from, but as quick as it came it disappeared.

Y/N's brow furrowed as Sylin moved his hand, "Here I thought you'd find my voice more enticing than wind."

"There was a voice in it." Y/N said as he stared in the distance like he was searching for something.

"You can read the winds?" Aranessa asked, looking at Y/N.

"Yeah," He nodded, "though no one ever knows what I am talking about when I try to explain."

"Well it is just magic basically but uh..." Aranessa scrunched her face in thought before shaking her head, "Why am I thinking so hard, Bird girl explain!"

"It is Sarthoreal the Everwatcher to you." Signa said as she transformed beside me. "However Y/N, the Winds of Magic is merely the powers of Chaos influencing the mortal world. Which often takes the shape of bizarre, unforeseen, and random occurrences just as the world affects the powers of Chaos in bizarre, unforeseen, and random ways. It can be said with a degree of certainty that magic will always change elements of the mortal plane that it comes into contact with, but it is difficult to anticipate what form this change will take. Magic bends and unbinds the physical laws of creation and can remake reality such that things and processes that otherwise could not exist come into being."

"Okay I think I understand it now." I nodded.

All things sort of spawned from Chaos, some in more roundabout ways, but Chaos is the origin. So it would make sense harnessing its powers could warp and distort reality. Also would make sense given that it is a largely unknown power. Not even the titan's would challenge Chaos, but she's or it, has never directly done anything, or even taken a physical form in the world.

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