Chapter 9 I Think I Prefer Hades Over Olympus

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Goddesses have a lot of energy. 

That is a fact I cannot deny. Now I don’t know what goddesses typically do for fun, but Macaria seemed really fascinated by the fairy tales my father used to tell me. Which compared to her wanting to play dress up I was happy to do instead. Not that I would mind looking like I stepped out of Ancient Greece, but wearing what's essentially a dress is kinda weird to me. That’s the reason I gave her, but in reality I don’t like the thought of a girl, goddess or not, undressing me.

I would tell you how much time had passed, but my phone’s clock looked extremely upset with telling Underworld time and it died too. But eventually Macaria sighed as she realized I had to leave.

“But I don’t want you to go!” Macaria pouted as she hugged my waist, she was acting like a little sister I never had.

“Uh… I have friends that are probably worried about me, Cari.” I told her, using the nickname I accidentally said once and she demanded I keep using. 

“Like your girlfriend?” She asked with a pout.

“I am not dating Annabeth.” I told her, trying not to blush.

“Then why’d she come to mind?” Macaria huffed as she crossed her arms.

“Because people have been assuming we’re dating.” I reasoned.

“Likely story.” She said, clearly believing me.


“I don’t want to hear it! Just go to momma!” She said as she waved her hand at me as flowers and shadows swirled around me.




Now I wasn’t sure what sort of travel I did, all I know is it threw my stomach through more loops than a rollercoaster ever did. I felt like I wanted to puke, yet there was also some too sweet scent around me which didn’t help.

“Now who are you exactly?” A woman asked and my head bolted up to see a woman who I am sure is a goddess.

She wore a light green greek dress with a green robe over it. Her hair was brown that faded into a strawberry red. Her eyes were green reminding me of Macaria, lips were red with a beauty mark below them near the left corner. She wore a crown of flowers in her hair.

“Uh… Y/N Veileder.” I answered her. “Where am I? Last I knew Macaria said ‘Just go to momma!’. before doing something to me.”

At the mention of Macaria the woman got a very protective aura about her, “What were you doing with my little butterfly?”

“I was playing with her, I’m her friend!” I said quickly, and a bit too loudly as I started to panic.

“What was a mortal boy doing in the underworld?” She asked her glare not decreasing in the slightest.

“Well I was with Perse, Annabeth and Grover as they were on their quest to get Zeus’ Master Bolt back.” I told her, “Though we figured out it was really in the backpack Ares gave me, which I gave Perse as she escaped.”

She continued to glare down at me before sighing, “There is a way to verify this, this way boy.”

Quickly I put the Tome of Fates in my backpack before running to catch up with her. As I followed her I sw where exactly I was.

It was at the top of the clouds that rose the decapitated peak of a mountain, its summit covered with snow. Clinging to the mountainside were dozens of multi leveled palaces – a city of mansions – all with white-columned porticos, gilded terraces and bronze braziers glowing with a thousand fires. Roads wound crazily up to the peak, where the largest palace gleamed against the snow. Precariously perched gardens bloomed with olive trees and rose bushes. I could make out an open-air market filled with colorful tents, a stone amphitheater built on one side of the mountain, a hippodrome and a coliseum on the other. It was an Ancient Greek city, except it wasn’t in ruins. It was new, and clean, and colorful, the way Athens must’ve looked twenty-five hundred years ago.

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