VI. Putting the Pieces Together

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The walk back to HQ is quiet, apprehension still brewing under the surface but not to the point where you couldn't hide it from Tails. If he had hid this from you after all this time what else was he hiding? Certainly wouldn't be impossible to assume other things, he was smart enough to keep you in the dark unless you backed him in a corner which you really didn't want to do.. Glancing over at him he seemed to still be rather serious, his face had relaxed but his eyes were still intense and his brow remained furrowed if only a little.

Neither of you seemed like you knew what to say, the thought of what was going to come next too loud in your minds. Ava waits beside the entrance as you get back, running over as you catch her eye line.

"East! A couple of medics came and took everyone inside, pretty sure your dad's up and at em if you wanted to talk to him." She glances Tails quietly but doesn't address him.

You nod, "I'll head inside. The rest of you can reconvene and I'll catch up with you later. Enjoy the quiet while you can, things will be getting worse soon I'm sure."

She furrows her brow a little, "You should slow down a bit too, yeah? You've been running back to back yourself and we just stayed up through an entire night full of what I can only assume is the most stress on you right?" She gently punches your shoulder, "Follow your own advice, got it boss?"

You push your exhaustion back down and nod, "Everything in process Ava, I'll rest when I can."

Tails looks over to you with a worried frown, "Hey don't forget that I can pick up the slack too alright? I'm still... digesting what you told me but I'm not going to stand around either. We're all in this together."

Ava raises her brow at him, "Well lookit you, keep that up and I might actually start to believe in all that stuff you guys have preached here."

Tails looks back to her, "Ava right? I thought I recognized you at the assembly, you were originally one of the soldiers that patrolled the HQ right? Your track record was mostly blank but your skills were very good if I recall!"

She crosses her arms, "Yeah the guard duty thing was never really my style... I commend you and your inner circle though, knowing that four people can make a huge difference really put into perspective for me that I was wasting my time sitting still."

Tails looks back at her awkwardly, his words stuck for a moment. "Umm.. I'm glad that you're doing stuff you can really put your heart into now! Whether we work together directly or not a loss for Eggman is a win for everyone so I'm glad that we're on the same side!"

She chuckles, a hooded look in her eyes, "Calm down there chief, I thought it was obvious before but I'll spell it out for you now. I'm not on your side, I'm on East's side. If they say to work with you lot then I will but if it comes down to you or them I'm choosing them. Capiche?"

You pipe up sternly, "Incorrect Ava, the mission comes first. Should I become incapacitated along the way I expect all of you to finish what we start. Also there's no need for this much hostility, Tails has done nothing but continue to prove to me personally that he's an asset."

She raises a brow, "Right, your boyfriend's really somethin special there East."

Both you and Tails turn red, an obvious embarrassment radiating from you before you push past her and walk into the HQ, pulling Tails by the arm behind you. It wasn't your intent to have him along when you spoke to your father but Ava's heckling was bound to break him to the point that he spilled everything you guys had done while your team assumed you were dead.

Checking in at the reception desk they direct you to the infirmary, the unease in your chest only getting more and more turbulent. You stand outside the doors for a moment, Tails reaching a hand up to your shoulder only for you to open the door as you put on your brave face. Looking inside the prisoners were all inside chatting amongst themselves. They quiet down as they see you again, and in this light you could see much easier their faces. A few you didn't recognize but there were three others besides your father that you recognized from your childhood. Reina, she had a son you'd always see running around and climbing trees. Old man Illia whom was never really old but he always seemed grumpy. Then there was Phyra, she used to bake cookies and bring them over when your family was going through rough patches. Your gaze softens slightly, your father laying in bed and looking over at you with sparkly eyes.

Heroes (Tails x Reader) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now