VIII. Surging Storms

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The night spent at Tails house felt too short. After a fun evening of karaoke the two of you retire for the night pretty early. Tails cooks a small dinner for the two of you, opting to go for a light breakfast themed crepe and fruit dish with a little yogurt. It was good, not the best thing you've ever had but it had a decent enough flavor. After dinner the both of you sit on the couch quietly, a general unease in the air after the fun day.

Tails reaches a hand over to yours, causing you to jump slightly.
"(Y/n).. Did.. you have fun tonight?"

You blink a few times, your heart beating nervously in your chest. "Yeah, of course. Umm... Did you..?"

He nods with a small smile, "Yeah I did.." His lips drift shut. You could tell something was bugging him clearly but..

"Something on your mind?" You tilt your head at him pensively, scanning over his eyes.

He shakes his head, "No, not really.. I'm just... thinking again."

You nudge his arm, "Well that's dangerous. Take it from me Tally you don't want to overthink things, not like this."

He nods along, "I know... I'm just.. I guess I just feel nervous. My stomach is all queezy."

You smile to him, "Just imagine everyone else is naked, it works every time for me."

He chuckles a little, his eyes looking over to you. "Well I kinda've already am aren't I? I don't think that'll work too well."

You shrug, "Then you should get dressed beforehand, it's pretty foolproof if you ask me." You were doing your best to get his mind off his thoughts but.. it was pretty obvious what you were trying to do, his face conveying he could see right through the act.

"I appreciate the effort (y/n), it's really sweet of you." He hesitates a little bit, pursing his lips before hanging his head.

Your brows furrow as you lean over to him, resting your head against his. "I don't think there's realistically anything I can say to make you feel better but I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you."

He smiles gently, his head leaning on yours a little more. "This is already more than enough to make me feel better, hearing your voice is... all I need really.." His face turns a little red, the mushy stuff was stuff he still had trouble being genuine about.

You squeeze his hand, "To be honest with you... 'East' isn't nervous or scared about what's going to happen, but I, (y/n), am worried about you. I'm nervous something's going to happen to my dad while we're away.." You also hesitate a little, your insecurities creeping to the surface while you tried to be transparent with him.
"I can't save anyone I can't reach out and touch and that scares me... What if I'm out doing my job and you get into trouble? What if..."

He pats your head gently, his touch like a cloud. "(Y/n) it's okay. I think feeling afraid is part of making sure you don't make any mistakes, it shows how much you care. I know you're not a careless person either so you'll do what you need to do when the times come. You're enough, more than enough for all of this." His hand lifts yours up to his face before he plants a kiss on the backside. "I don't think there's realistically anything I can say either that'll make you feel better but... I'll always be here for you too. I hope... that's enough.."

You wrap your arms around him tight, closing your eyes. "Always. That will always be enough for me..."


The morning is cold, a chill surrounding your shallow breaths while the airships proceeded toward Eggman's base. The other fighters beside you in the transport look around nervously as they waited to get into range. You hold a finger up to your earpiece, Shadow's voice speaking flat.

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