V. The Whole Truth

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The ship docks at port, the sunrise cresting upon a slew of sleepy faces as the prisoners remained unconscious on deck. You walk up from below, Jasper still at watch while Ava pulled the ship in, Viper circulating between everyone and checking on them. Upon docking Ava walks down to the deck, Jasper and Viper also convening to you while you waited.

"Good work team. We got more than we bargained for but at this point any enemy of Eggman will have to be a friend of ours." You look over to your father for a moment, still sleeping quietly on the floor. "I'll give you guys an in depth explanation of what happened in there later but for now see to it that all of these people get medical attention. I have to check on something."

Viper and Ava nod, Jasper as well but he looks at you with a little more apprehension. "East.. I know it's probably a lot right now but.. Well we're here for you, if you need it or anything..."

A gentle smile appears on your face as you lean down and pat him on the head, "I know. I'll be fine I just need to gather a little more intel." He smiles a little and nods before you hop the edge of the ship and move toward the Resistance HQ building.

The hustle bustle from yesterday was nowhere to be found, a calm procedural atmosphere all around as you enter the building. Many guards eyeball you for a moment before they nod in your direction and allow you to continue about your way. Approaching the front desk you lean on the black marble surface and look over the receptionist.
"Good morning, There are injured aboard my ship and I need to send a message to Tails. Can you help with that?"

The guy looks up to you, blinking a few times as he realized who was talking to him. "Oh absolutely! Umm, East right? I remember you from yesterday. Truly inspiring work, I would love to read the report on that endeavor in the near future!"

You nod slightly, your tone flat. "Not to be a jerk but I really need to speak with Tails, I'll come back and have a proper conversation with you at a different time."

His brows raise with embarrassment, "Right! Sorry about that. I'll send some medics to your ship and call Tails."

You raise a finger, "The medics are fine but would you text him instead? Tell him to meet me at HQ, I would do it myself but I left my stuff on the ship."

"Oh, of course!" He nods and types into his console for a moment. "Medical staff has been notified and are en route. Tails has been messaged and will respond within the hour I imagine, he's very prompt."

"Thanks." You immediately turn and walk back out the front while your head swam in thought. The Master was smart but what reason would she have to go to the trouble to plan all that out..? Aside from her maybe one of the other clan heads..? No, they had no need to have any kind of business with you.
Shadow for some reason? No, he doesn't know about your father and certainly never struck you as the type to seek help from others. Not that he needed to anyways. One of the detectives perhaps? Did they have some stupid idea to get the family back together or something? But still your father was all green now and despite the change in color you took after your mother anyways, your father looked nothing like you..

If its someone from your past it had to be Vigil right..?

About 40 minutes go by before you see Tails' aircraft land at the HQ. He disembarks and catches sight of you standing in the square, running over quickly.
"Hi East! Sorry about the wait, I was working on some projects that I literally couldn't put down otherwise I would've blown up.." His eyes trace over your form apprehensively, "What's up..?"

You gesture for him to follow as you begin walking away from the building, "There's something  need to discuss with you."

He feels his throat clam up, your tone immediately putting him on edge. "Alright.. Umm, lead the way."

Heroes (Tails x Reader) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now