III. Shinobi and Detective

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The day progresses at a snails pace while your mind circled itself in thoughts. Your father... he had to have changed after all this time right? Would he still be sticking to his guns and saying it was a pointless fight..? Even if he found out you were working with Sonic and the entirety of the Resistance would that matter? Or was he really so much of a coward that he would ignore it all together..?

You rack your brain as Jasper swoops down beside you from out of nowhere. "Hey boss, are you okay? I saw Espio lead you off somewhere, I tried to follow behind but the guards were too perceptive. I think they saw me almost immediately."

You sigh to yourself, "I'm fine, nothing insane or anything of the sort.. Well kindave but... it doesn't matter,gather the others and have them meet me at the docks at sunset. It seems we have a job."

Jasper perks up a little though still apprehensive about your demeanor, "Really? Like the old times then? Even if its coming from someone like him that's still good! Hows the pay?"

You raise a brow at him, "It's only been a few months, it's not like a bunch of time has passed relatively speaking." A slight hesitation invaded your speech, your gaze become a little shifty. "-and the pay is... adequate. The compensation will be worth the effort..."
'I hope...'

He hesitates slightly, "Well you haven't been coming with us on recent attacks, it kinda've feels like it's the three of us now more than ever boss.." He looks up at you with a smile, "It's really good to have you back. Leave the other two to me! We'll be there and ready to go!"

You nod to him firmly before he flaps his wings hard and swoops back up into the ceiling and out of sight. Your gaze becomes distant once more before a familiar voice calls out to you,

"East!" Tails jogs up to you, waving with a smiley expression. "I was wondering where you disappeared to!"

You quickly snap out of your thoughts, feigning a smile. "Tails! Hey. You seem... better than earlier."

He chuckles nervously, playing with his hands. "Yeah I was a little intimidated I admit.. But it's all good! Your team is straightforward just like you, I know they mean well."

You wince on the inside, if only he knew you were actively trying to hide things from him RIGHT NOW... "*Heh* Yeah, they're really a handful sometimes.. Anyways, umm... Did you need something..?"

He shakes his head, "Nothing in particular! Things seemed to be fizzling down here so I was gonna check and see if you wanted to head back home? We could stop for some food supplies and have a fancy dinner tonight, I've learned a few recipes from Cream's mom and was hoping to get a taste tester for them!" He looks at you with an excited expression. "Plus I figure we both deserve a reward for our speeches today."

You can feel yourself becoming sad, a tinge of guilt in your heart as you knew you would have to decline...
"I... actually told my team that I'd camp out with them tonight. They miss me or something stupid like that." A smile appears on your face, though completely false. "If you pick the stuff up we could do something with it tomorrow? How's that sound?"

His shoulders droop just a little, he had been practicing for a few days and trying to refine the taste and finally felt like it was going to be perfect.
But that would just have to wait...
"Oh yeah no problem! We can do that instead!" He smiles back at you a little more intently. "Do you need a ride anywhere? I'd be happy to fly you over if you want."

You shake your head, "They got here on their own so I'm sure they have appropriate commendations in place already. Thanks for the offer though."

He nods to you, "Alright.. Well.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow..! Enjoy your time with your team, and share some of your most impressive stories!" He holds a fist out to you, "And promise you'll tell me if they talk about me~" He chuckles gently.

Heroes (Tails x Reader) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now