XI. To Keep You Safe

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The air is stale as you sprint deeper into the unknown. Since the battle your body felt lighter, almost like it was getting a little boost as you traversed tunnels and hallways of metal and stone. It was strange though, the stone pieces that you could see down here looked so old. The metal parts looked worn as well but nowhere nearly as much as the stone.

A thickness remained in the air, Chaos energy concentrations perhaps? The sensation was similar to how it felt diving into the field prior and seemed to be ramping up. Were you getting closer to the source then? It was too unknown to say and even if you could make heads or tails of it, all that mattered regardless was shutting it down... somehow..

Gradually runes begin to appear on the walls, glowing faintly with a blue light. Some spots looked more manufactured, as if Eggman tried making them out of metal components but the only places where there was light was from the stone faces. You stop as you reach the edge of an atrium, the path opening up as you look down upon what looks like a replica of the shrine of the Master Emerald. Peering down the space seemed empty, wires running in and out of various places but otherwise barren. Carefully you scale down the walls, finding footholds in the semi darkness careful not to upset any of the jutting stones.

Upon reaching the bottom you're finally able to get a good look around. Sure enough it was definitely modeled after the real shrine but there were inconsistencies. More runes appeared in the stones beneath your feet, seeming to illuminate your every step. Approaching the top of the alter itself you could see remains of what looked like mounting parts for two round objects...

You squint at the ground harder, taking a knee. It certainly wasn't definite proof but immediately your mind jumped to the Star Posts. So was this all a failed attempt? All things considered the tech here was reminding you of the Nocturnus Clan tech you had acquired for the doctor all that time back. Was this what he was using it for? The resemblance was uncanny...

Then there's a rumble beneath your feet..

You duck low, immediately jumping down from the alter and ducking into cover to hide. The rumble continues for a little while longer before it stops. There was more below, there had to be.. You trace along the edges of the cave, finding an opening that leads into darkness.

"Boss, don't freak out-" A voice whispers from behind as you quickly raise a knife in it's direction! Your heart patters in your chest as your eyes meet Jasper's, his face reflecting his timid fear.

You sigh to yourself, lowering your weapon, "Jasper your abilities to sneak up on me are impressive but don't do that again or I might actually kill you on accident."

He nods pensively, "I went ahead of the others to catch up to you, we thought you could use any help you could get.."

"Does that mean they got the doors open on the room Sonic and Shadow are trapped in?" Your eyes scan around intermittently, all seemed calm but you couldn't help this foreboding dread rising in your chest.

He shakes his head, "The timer's at about 5 minutes by now. I estimate that by the 3 minute mark the doors will be open." His voice trails off for a moment, "I found a different way to get down-"

You raise a hand to him, "Doesn't matter right now, you'll lead our escape if it becomes necessary but for now we keep moving."

The two of you progress further in, Jasper remaining quiet for a time before he stops you occasionally. There was a repetitive pinging sound coming up from below, and based on how he described the vibrations there was an even larger base somewhere much deeper. You grab his hand and steady yourself before the two of you speed down the winding pathways and vertical drops as gravity became more and more exaggerated.

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