VII. Beginning of the End

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(I'll be referencing music later this part so feel free to insert  your own tracks for effect! Putting this at the top to keep the pacing!  <3)

Morning comes gently, your troubled mind at  ease for a change. Waking up you proceed to the bathroom to wash up. It  was hard to say how you felt at the moment, an impending sense of unease  settling in your chest. Opening the door you catch Tails on his way  out, his fur fluffy and bright.

"Oh-! G'morning (y/n)! I slept  like a rock last night! How about you?" He smiles at you, the  expression you saw from him yesterday still fresh in your mind.

"I  slept like a log, honestly I didn't know I could sleep that deeply  after all I've been through." You scratch at the back of your head, your  thoughts immediately drifting to the coming conflict. "So... Any day  now huh?"

His brow furrows momentarily before he takes a step  forward and rests his hand on your arm. "Feeling nervous..? Yeah I am  too.." He bumps his forehead against yours, "We're both pretty smart  cookies though so despite that I'm trying to remember that you can  handle it, and I can handle it. We'll have the entire resistance backing  us up as well, plus your team. We'll be okay."

You sigh  gently before pulling his damp body into a hug, "The quiet before the  storm is always one of the hardest things. There have been plenty of  times I've been nervous but never this much.."
Perhaps because this time around there was so much more to lose...

Tails  frowns and hugs you back, his towel slipping down a little, "It's a big  operation but I know we'll be okay." He cradles your head in one of his  hands, nestling into your neck. "I'll protect you from it all I  promise. You'll be doing a lot of the direct fighting but Eggman's mechs  are always gonna be powered with circuits and wires, in that respect  there's nothing I can't hack that he'll use against us."

You  lean your head into his, your heart beating steadily in your chest.  "I'll never understand how you can be so cut and dry with these kinds of  things." A weak chuckle escapes you, "I don't know if I should be  worried or relieved to be honest.."

He chuckles a little too,  "Maybe a little bit of both~?" It wasn't so foreign to him that he felt  inherently worried but at the same time having you here certainly made  him more aware of how nonchalant he ended up being about these types of  situations. He pulls back from the embrace, keeping his hands on your  shoulders and looking into your eyes before his dart away. An  embarrassed smile creeps onto his face.
"(Y/n)... coul- could I kiss you quick..?" His face turns red under his fur.

Your  troubled mind quiets for a moment as you laugh quietly and raise a  brow, "Fresh out the shower? That's pretty scandalous fox boy~"

His eyes practically pop out of his head as he jumps back, hiking the towel back up and curling his lips inward. "Ohmygosh!  I promise I didn't mean it like that!!" He covers his face with one of  his hands, groaning to himself as he spiraled more and more into his  shame.

Tails goes to run past you before you catch his waist and spin him around, "Hey I didn't say 'no' did I?" You pull him in a little as he struggled to squirm away from you.

"No! It's weird if it's like this!" He kept his face covered in shame, his voice raised a couple octaves.

You snicker at him, slipping your hand under his and peering at his tightly shut eyes. "Only weird if you make it weird... Tailsy."

He furrows his brows, "Tailsy-? (Y/n) what are you talkin about!?" You feel his shoulders relax as he actually starts to laugh a little bit.

You shrug neutrally, "I dunno, 'fox boy' felt too snarky to me. I could call you Tally instead~"

Heroes (Tails x Reader) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now